This article explains the results visualization of a survey for leaders.
Surveys that the platform admin makes visible to leaders will appear for leaders in the "Leader Dashboards" tab, which contains a list of available dashboards for a leader to view.
🚨 Admins who are also leaders will only have visibility into the dashboards where they participate as leaders, so they do not have a view of all dashboards.
🟣 Leaders
Leaders are individuals who have at least one employee with their name filled in the "Leader" field. If a leader no longer has any direct reports at any point, the survey product becomes unavailable for that person, even if there are historical data from their previous direct reports in the platform.

🟣 Leader Dashboard
The Leader Dashboard for a survey provides information about a specific survey by aggregating the data from all direct reports who have responded to that survey, and compares that data to the overall survey results, whether it's for the entire company or a specific segment.

🟣 Survey Context and Structure
In the first box, the Leader screen provides basic information about the survey being analyzed. Unlike admins, leaders do not have access to the form and more detailed information about the survey, so it is important to provide some of this data to provide context.

Target group: The number of people included in the segment of this survey, in general. If the survey was sent to the entire company, this number will be the number of employees who received this survey.
Your team: The number of direct reports of the leader who is viewing the survey that were included in the survey segment, meaning they received this survey.
Total of questions: The number of questions/statements in this survey.
Likert questions: The number of Likert scale questions/statements in the survey.
Open questions: The number of open-ended questions/statements in the survey (qualitative).
eNPS questions: The number of eNPS (Employee Net Promoter Score) questions/statements in the survey.
Themes: The number of themes/dimensions in this survey, including the fixed eNPS theme.
Start date: The date when the survey was opened for responses.
End date: The date when the survey was closed for responses.
🟣 Big numbers
The Leader screen features three big numbers related to the survey being analyzed, providing data specifically for the leader's direct reports and comparing it to the data for all respondents in the general target audience of the company. If the survey was only sent to a specific segment, the comparison text will still refer to "company-wide participation," but it will pertain to the total segment configured to receive the survey.

🟣 Adhesion
The relationship between the number of respondents and the number of survey participants, i.e., those who responded versus those who received the survey.
Adhesion of Your Direct Reports: How many of your direct reports responded to the survey compared to the total number of your direct reports who received it.
Company's Adhesion: How many people from the survey segment responded to the survey compared to the total number of people in that segment who received it.
🟣 Average
The simple average of all the ratings given by employees who responded to the survey, including Likert scale questions and eNPS questions.
Average of Your Direct Reports: The simple average of the ratings given by your direct reports who responded to the survey.
Company's Average: The simple average of the ratings given by all the people from the survey segment who responded to the survey.
🟣 How the Average Calculation Works
Likert Scale Ratings: The ratings are normalized to a scale of 0 to 10 using the following criteria:
Strongly Disagree - rating 0
Disagree Somewhat - rating 2.5
Neither Agree nor Disagree - rating 5
Agree Somewhat - rating 7.5
Strongly Agree - rating 10
eNPS Ratings: The ratings are kept on a scale of 0 to 10 for the average calculation - in other words, the eNPS rating is not taken into account.
All the Likert scale ratings and eNPS ratings are summed, and this sum is divided by the total number of questions answered.
🟣 Survey Detailing
To delve deeper into the analysis of survey results, leaders can use the survey detailing tables. These tables are divided into "Theme Results," which contain data from Likert scale questions, and "eNPS Results," which contain data from eNPS questions.
Results from open-ended questions and comments are not displayed on the leader's screen. We hide this information because, due to writing style and the size of the respondent groups displayed on this screen, it becomes too easy to identify who wrote the comments. Therefore, only admins can access the qualitative data from these questions.
🟪 Survey Detailing - Likert Questions

Displays a table with data from themes and Likert scale questions present in the survey.
In the overall table, each row represents a theme, with data displayed in the following columns:
Themes: Names of each theme present in the survey.
Distribution of ratings from your direct reports: For each theme, a graph displays the percentage of negative, neutral, and positive responses within that theme, considering only the responses from the direct reports of that leader who answered the survey:
Negative responses (orange bar) - "strongly disagree" and "disagree partially";
Neutral responses (gray bar) - "neither agree nor disagree";
Positive responses (blue bar) - "strongly agree" and "agree partially".
Average of your direct reports: The average ratings for that theme, considering only the responses from the direct reports of that leader who answered the survey.
Company average: The average ratings for that theme, considering the responses from all employees in the company who answered the survey.
Responses from your direct reports: The number of direct reports of that leader who responded to at least one question within that theme in the survey, compared to the total number of direct reports who received the survey.
By clicking on any of the themes, the table expands to show the questions within that theme in a nested table.

The data in the nested table is displayed in the following columns:
Questions: Statement of each question present in that theme. When a question is too long to fit in the available space on the screen, it can be read in full by hovering the mouse over the statement.
Distribution of ratings from your direct reports: For each question, a graph displays the percentage of negative, neutral, and positive responses within that theme, considering only the responses from the direct reports of that leader who answered the survey:
Negative responses (orange bar) - "strongly disagree" and "disagree partially";
Neutral responses (gray bar) - "neither agree nor disagree";
Positive responses (blue bar) - "strongly agree" and "agree partially".
Average of your direct reports: The average ratings for that question, considering only the responses from the direct reports of that leader who answered the survey.
Company average: The average ratings for that question, considering the responses from all employees in the company who answered the survey.
Responses from your direct reports: The number of direct reports of that leader who responded to that question in the survey, compared to the total number of direct reports who received the survey.
🟪 Survey Detailing - eNPS Questions
Displays a table with data from the eNPS (Employee Net Promoter Score) questions present in the survey.
The general table displays only one row, which is the eNPS theme, aggregating the data from all eNPS questions in the survey. If the survey has only one eNPS question, the theme and the question will show the same data. The data is presented in the following columns:
Themes: In this case, only eNPS.
Distribution of ratings from your direct reports: A graph that shows the percentage of detractor, neutral, and promoter responses within this theme, considering only the responses from the direct reports of that leader who answered the survey:
Detractor responses (orange bar) - ratings from 0 to 6;
Neutral responses (gray bar) - ratings 7 and 8;
Promoter responses (blue bar) - ratings 9 and 10.
eNPS of your direct reports: Overall eNPS calculation*, considering only the responses from the direct reports of that leader who answered the survey.
Company average: Overall eNPS calculation*, considering the responses from all employees in the company who answered the survey.
Responses from your direct reports: The number of direct reports of that leader who responded to at least one eNPS question in the survey, compared to the total number of direct reports who received the survey.
By clicking on the eNPS theme, the table expands to show the eNPS questions within that theme in a nested table.
The data in the nested table is displayed in the following columns:
Questions: The statement of each eNPS question present in the survey. When a question is too long to fit in the available space on the screen, it can be fully read by hovering over the statement with the mouse.
Distribution of ratings from your direct reports: A graph that shows the percentage of detractor, neutral, and promoter responses for each eNPS question, considering only the responses from the direct reports of that leader who answered the survey:
Detractor responses (orange bar) - ratings from 0 to 6;
Neutral responses (gray bar) - ratings 7 and 8;
Promoter responses (blue bar) - ratings 9 and 10.
Average of your direct reports: eNPS calculation for that question*, considering only the responses from the direct reports of that leader who answered the survey.
Company average: eNPS calculation for that question, considering the responses from all employees in the company who answered the survey.
Responses from your direct reports: The number of direct reports of that leader who responded to that question in the survey, compared to the total number of direct reports who received the survey.
⚠️The eNPS calculation is done by subtracting the percentage of detractor responses from the percentage of promoter responses within the theme or question. More information about how the eNPS calculation is done can be found in this article from our help center.
🟣 Functioning of Data in the Leader Dashboard
Similar to the admin view, the leader dashboard uses a snapshot of the survey data to display the information, which means it captures a "snapshot" of the moment when the person responded to the survey.
If a leader has five direct reports during the survey cycle, and those five direct reports respond to the survey, their responses will appear in the leader's dashboard.
If those direct reports change their leadership after responding to the survey, the data from their responses will still remain in the leader's dashboard because the survey captures the moment of the "snapshot," taken at the time of the responses.
If the admin requests an update of the survey snapshot, the data will be reset, and the responses will be associated with the new leaders of those individuals. Therefore, if leadership changes occur, updating the snapshot will remove the data from the current leader's dashboard and add the data to the new leader's dashboard.
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