Here you will see how to configure Qulture.Rocks to perform user base integration with providers that already have a native integration. Thus, all the data of the collaborators that are registered in the Provider base are synchronized with Qulture.Rocks.
ℹ️ Before performing the configuration it is important to understand a few points listed below.
How a user base integration works. If you haven't read it yet, start here.
The person setting it up needs to be a Qulture admin.
The providers that have native integration today are:
Note: Each provider is configured in advance in a different way, generating tokens or requiring other data to be configured.
Step-by-step configuration
Access the User Integration screen through the "Organization Setup" screen.
GSUITE (Google Workspace)
Select the provider.
It is important to note that each provider needs different data for the integration between platforms, just as token generation is done differently on each platform.
Below is the list of information you need from each provider when setting up user integration in Qulture:
With the provider's credentials in hand, simply enter them into the respective fields and click save.
In addition to the credentials, you can add 3 settings that help with the behavior of the integration.
Filter by email domain - This filter allows the platform to filter only users with certain email domains. It is a good use to not sync people who don't have professional email yet, for example.
Don't update leaders (Checkbox) - By checking this option, the platform ignores the update of leaders in the synchronization. The leaders defined in Qulture.Rocks will not be changed. It is common to use this during a performance evaluation, when the leadership data is not up-to-date in the Provider.
Send invitation email to new collaborators (Checkbox) - When selected, this option causes an invitation email to the Qulture.Rocks Platform to be sent to each collaborator created via the integration.
Please note: do not yet click on the button to activate the integration that will appear as soon as you create the integration. First you should configure and test.
The "Mappings" section will also appear where we configure which provider field is written to which Qulture field, during integration. Notice that automatically a configuration with the most used fields will already be set up.
In the left column are the Qulture fields and in the right column are the provider fields.
In this "Mappings" section you can add more fields, or remove them, according to your needs.
Once the fields have been configured, it is important to test that the configuration you made works correctly. To do this, go to the "Tests" tab and click "Run Test".
When running the test our system will perform all the integration steps to check that the configuration is correct. This test does not change any data of collaborators already registered in Qulture.Wait a while while the test is running and then click "Reload".
Note: If your company has a very high number of employees registered with the provider, it is normal for it to take a while to finish.
Once the test is complete, if everything has happened successfully, you will see a screen with the employees' information, and can validate whether the information is correct directly on the platform, or exporting it to a spreadsheet, however, if when you click on "Reload" and still haven't got a result, just wait a little longer.
If the test has detected an error during integration, the result will tell you whether it is an incorrect field, and if so, simply correct the field, save, and run the test again. But if you cannot detect what the error is, please contact our support.
Once the test data has been validated and no integration error has occurred, simply go back to the settings screen and activate the synchronization.
Now with the integration active, all that remains is to synchronize the users, which can be done from the collaborators screen by clicking on "Synchronize Users".
First go to the "Users" tab;
Then click on "Synchronize Users", if you cannot find the option, refresh the page.

Wait for the synchronization to finish and the integration between the platforms is complete.
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