Find out how to generate reviews from the employee's admission date in Qulture.Rocks.
Do you want to better monitor the performance of your company's new employees? Qulture.Rocks offers the possibility to generate reviews from the employee's hiring date automatically! We explain everything below:
Experience review is a great market practice for new employees, and has three great values: (i) the employee's feeling about the new job, (ii) the highlights of his/her perception of the onboarding period, the integration with the areas and with the team, (iii) the perception of the leadership about the new employee.
Generally, these assessments are carried out after 30, 45 or 90 days after admission. Most models have questions for the leader and the employee's self-reflection. However, it is possible to choose the deadline that best fits your reality and also include new relationships for the review, such as the peers of those reviewed.
It is also possible to configure these assessments for a specific group of people! For example: if you want to do this review only to interns or to a department, Qulture.Rocks can assist you! 😉
Great! How do I include this assessment in my company?
Contact us with your account manager and via chat to trigger this feature, so your review will add participants automatically.
Before we can make your review automatic, it must be fully configured, active, and live.
The article How to set up a Review? [Draft Mode] has the step by step instructions on how to do this.
⚠️ But first, some precautions:
At Qulture.Rocks, these reviews are automatically generated from the date of admission, birth, last movement of the employee or creation of the user in the platform, so it is very important that all information is updated;
The forms that are created based on the person's admission date for example + X days later, defined by the company's HR. For example: if I want to run a 45-day review, but would like people to answer the form after 35 days of admission, just configure it. Therefore, the leader will receive an invitation to complete the form when the 35 days after admission are completed.
In addition to customizing the number of days after the form was created (point above), it is also possible to customize the number of days the form will be open on the platform. For example: I would like the forms to be open for 10 days to fill out. That is, if the form in the example above was created on October 8th, it would be automatically closed on October 20th.
⚠️ Important: the two settings are related to the review cycle. In other words, it may be created an review of 45 days, which creation takes place in 35 days and the opening period of the forms is 5 days; and another 90-day review which creation takes place in 80 days and the opening period of the forms is 10 days.
The invitation to respond to the review - via e-mail - is automatically sent by the platform based on the employee's chosen date and the period previously defined. Align your account manager with the best date for this submission to take place.
The platform does not automatically configure or release reports. The administrator must configure both the format of the individual report and its visibility. The step-by-step of this action is here;
If you want to use these reviews by different groups of people, we can use tags for this segmentation;
In general, the assessment is widely used as an input for HR, so one must carefully analyze which assessment responses should be released to the assessment participants;
Don't worry, we'll help you through the process 😁
Which model use? What questions ask?
Seeking to assist them in the development of experience review, we conducted a study based on our data. In the first part, we list the most frequent topics, then the questions which could be asked for leaders or for self assessment:
Behavioral skills;
Experience Tracking;
Customer Responsibility;
Questions for the leader
Asks and considers the opinion of management, staff and other groups to improve their results
Does the employee strive to join the team?
Reacts appropriately in situations of pressure and / or conflict
Does the employee have up-to-date technical knowledge and the ability to put it into practice?
Has the employee been punctual / assiduous?
Constantly seeks new methods or new knowledge for the development of work
Presents himself/herself adequately in the work environment and behaves with discretion, respect and courtesy
Adapts to changes in the work environment
Know how to take risks with responsibility and persistence
How do you assess the employee's performance and adaptability?
Is going to renew the first experience contract?
Self-assessment questions
How would you evaluate the monitoring of your manager in the first days?
Did you understand the company's culture / principles / values well?
How was the training of your activities in your area?
Common labels for grading scale
5-option scale:
Much below expectations
Below expected
As expected
Above Expectation
Much higher than expected
4-option scale:
Need to improve
It's on the way
Meets expectations
It's reference
3-option scale:
Less Enabled
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