Use feedback features to emphasize employees’ good habits when it comes to feedbacks.
In this article, we will discuss a powerful organizational change technique: using feedback from HR to reinforce a habit change within the company. We understand that creating a feedback culture can be challenging, especially in companies where it is not the norm. However, at Qulture.Rocks, we are committed to facilitating this transformation.
🟣 One of the strategies that has proven to be extremely effective is the Feedback Blitz, which will be detailed in this article. Additionally, we recognize the importance of executive buy-in, especially from the CEO and their direct reports, such as directors and vice presidents. That's why we conduct feedback sessions and feedback request sessions alongside these leaders to address any questions and ensure their active participation in this process.
We believe that the strategic use of feedback by HR can drive habit change and promote a healthy feedback culture within the company. Keep reading to learn more about this valuable technique and how to implement it in your organization.
How does it work? 🤔
In the process of using feedback as a way to reinforce a habit change within the company, HR plays a crucial role.
Using their personal accounts or a shared account, members of the HR team access the system and send feedback to employees, both the most active ones and the less active ones.
The goal is to strengthen the correct behaviors and guide the behavior change of those who are less engaged in giving feedback. In this regard, the feature of providing feedback to multiple recipients proves to be extremely useful, making the process quick and simple.
This approach allows HR to take an active role in disseminating the feedback culture, encouraging its practice among employees, and promoting open and constructive communication throughout the company. Through this method, it is possible to create an environment conducive to individual and organizational growth.
🟪 First step: names
To initiate the initiative of using feedbacks by HR as a way to reinforce habit change within the company, the first step is to obtain the names of the employees to be impacted. There are three types of initiatives that can be carried out within different time frames, such as one week or one month:
Employees who give the most feedbacks.
Employees who request the most feedbacks.
Employees who give the least feedbacks.
Managers who request the least feedback from their teams.
To extract the necessary reports, access the feedback statistics page with your administrator profile and download the Excel files that you want to use to compile your "rankings." These reports will help identify the employees and managers who are more or less engaged in the practice of giving feedbacks, enabling HR to effectively direct their efforts. The article '[Reports - Feedback and Praises] Exporting Feedback an Praise data' explains all the available report types in the platform.
🟪 Second step: send feedbacks
After obtaining the names of the employees, the next step is to send the feedbacks. Access the feedback submission screen and select all the employees who will receive the first feedback.

Next, write the feedback. The title can be something like:
"Congratulations on your participation!"
"Congratulations on requesting feedbacks!"
"How about giving more feedbacks to your team?"
"How about requesting more feedbacks from your subordinates?"
In the text field, fill in the feedback as if it were a normal constructive feedback. A useful tip is to reread the article on constructive feedbacks and use the Context, Behavior, Consequence, and Suggestion methodology. This will help provide clear and targeted feedback, allowing the employee to understand the purpose of the message and identify actions for improvement.
For those who are active feedbackers

For leaders that aren't asking for feedbacks

🟪 Third step: Monitoring the results
After sending the feedbacks, the last step is to monitor the results of the action. Observe how the impacted employees respond to the messages and if there is a positive change in their actions. If they show improvements, you can congratulate them in a subsequent initiative.
If the employees continue to be active and engaged, take the opportunity to talk to them and understand what motivates them to be more active than the average. You can also consider recording video testimonials on your mobile phone to share with the rest of the company, highlighting best practices and encouraging other employees.
✨ Remember that the possibilities are practically infinite. If you need more ideas or want to share best practices, we are here to help.
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