User base integration types
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  3. User base integration types

User Integration - Xerpa

ℹ️ This article is intended to assist with settings specific to Xerpa, if you haven't read the native integration setup article yet, start with it by clicking here.

Required data:

  • company_id

  • client_secret.


💡 You can get the Company_id by viewing it in Xerpa's own URL as per the example below:<Company_id IS HERE>/dashboard


Instructions for sending access data: <Click Here>/


  1. The first step in being able to use the Xerpa API is to request an authentication token. This request can only be made by accounts with Personnel Department credentials.

  2. The steps to generate the token are described below. In the main menu click on: Company Configuration > Integrations with other systems > Xerpa API. Enter a short description about the token and click on the Generate token button. Keep this token safe, consider it as a password because this token allows the user to read, write, and delete any information associated with the company.

You can find below the Xerpa fields that Qulture.Rocks platform can integrate:

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