In this article we will bring you all the information that you can analyze in the report.
Whenever a climate survey is finished, we will have the option to extract a report in Excel format, which will bring the data for a better analysis.
To perform this action just follow the step-by-step below:
Click on the survey product;
Choose the survey you want to analyze;
In the upper right corner there will be an "Export Survey" button, just click on it;
Once this is done, a window will open where you must click on "Export";
After performing this process just wait a few minutes and your export will be ready.

It is worth pointing out that the report will follow the same results that were obtained in the heat map. For cases which the grouping didn't have a number of 3 participants or more, no results will be shown.
The report will be composed of different tabs, each tab will refer to a default field (area, department, level, location, position), just remember that depending on your settings in the platform there may be other groupings through the creation of customizable fields.
In this same report we will have the comments grouped in a single tab for easier viewing. In this case, as there is no specific grouping, all the comments will appear, regardless of whether it was a group with less than 3 answers.
What is the structure of the exported reports?
The reports exported by this flow are generated in XLSX format (Excel spreadsheet), following the following structure:
1 tab considering the entire company data;
1 tab for each default field currently supported by the Surveys product (area, department, level, position, location);
1 tab considering the data grouped by Leaders;
1 tab with each customizable field (only option type);
1 tab for the survey comments (qualitative data).
Which data can I check in this report?
(i) Which grouping;
(ii) Groups (options within the grouping);
(iii) Subjects;
(iv) Questions;
(v) Averages;
(vi) Notes in % (negative, neutral and positive);
(vii) Number of participants;
(viii) How many participants responded;
(ix) Adherence.
Example of a spreadsheet in Area grouping mode:

Comments tab in the spreadsheet:
In all the tabs of the groupings we can have this complete analysis of what was generated in your climate survey.
In the quantitative tab of the entire Company tab, each row represents the aggregated results for all respondents in the company.
In the quantitative tabs of default and customizable fields, each row represents the results of a group for a question within a theme.
In the Leaders quantitative tab, each row represents the aggregated results for each Leader's direct reports.
Customizable fields also appear in the reports, if there are 3 or more respondents by options (groups);
Comments are not segmented by other fields (area/department), they appear without any specific grouping for them.
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