Now we have the possibility to filter the comments by Area and Department.
The comment analysis feature allows you to determine the positivity, neutrality, or negativity of responses from specific areas and departments.
The box located at the bottom of the question screens displays the comments that have been left for that particular question. For open-ended questions, the responses to those questions are displayed in a list format.
Now, with the option to filter comments by area and department, you can conduct a more detailed and segmented analysis of the responses, providing a more precise understanding of employees' perceptions in different areas of the company.

🟪 Who can access?
Only general administrators.
Information available:
🟣 List of comments
All comments left for this question are displayed on this screen, regardless of how many respondents an area or department has.
The only exception is surveys with less than 3 respondents in total, consequently it prevents a survey from being sent to only one employee and that person's responses being identified.
🟣 Score linked to a comment
For Likert or eNPS type questions, the score left by the employee will be indicated next to the comment.

Open questions don't have a score, so they don't display this information.

🟣 Comment Area and Department
Comments now also display the area and department of the employee who wrote the comment, as long as this employee's area and/or department has more than three respondents.
This rule is applied to make it more difficult to identify the employees who wrote the comment.
Example: Imagine an employee from the Marketing area who left a comment for a survey question. This comment will always be displayed, but the Marketing area will only be linked to it if Marketing has 3 people that answered the survey (even if they didn't leave a comment for this question). The same rule is applied for departments, and it's applied separately, it means that a comment can display area and not display department - or vice versa.
Comment with both area and department displayed:

Comment with area and department hidden by confidentiality:

Available actions
🟣 Sort comments
To make it easier to view comments, you can sort them by highest or lowest score - in the case of comments for Likert and eNPS type questions.

While viewing the open questions screen, the Sort Comments box is not displayed as these questions do not have scores that can be sorted.
🟣 Filter comments
To make the analysis easier, you can also Filter comments by area or department.

For each of these filters, you can choose one or more options, using the "is" type filter:

Or you can choose one or more options to be excluded by using the filter type "is all but":

Only one filter can be applied to comments at a time - i.e. you cannot filter area AND department at the same time. Either you filter area(s), or you filter department(s).
🚨 When applying to the filter an area or department with less than 3 respondents in the survey, comments from that group are not displayed in the filter to preserve respondent confidentiality.
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