Product Reports

[Reports - Feedbacks] What reports are available in Analytics.Rocks?

Need quantitative and qualitative data from Feedback? You are on the right place!

🚨 Attention: Only admin profiles have access to these reports.


In this article, we will learn how to export reports in Excel format from the feedback product. With these reports, you can obtain important information from Qulture.Rocks, such as:


🟣 Who gave the most feedback in your company?

🟣 Who received the most feedback?

🟣 Who requested the most feedback?

🟣 Who received the most feedback requests?


How to extract the reports

All reports can be extracted from the same location, and it is important to understand this process before detailing the operation of each one.

  1. Access the Feedback module (this name may vary depending on the company).

  2. In the left sidebar, click on "Reports" within the Analytics.Rocks section.

  3. Choose your report and enter the start and end dates.

  4. Click on export to Excel.

Feedbacks Report

This report provides valuable numerical information about the total number of feedbacks sent, as well as the "Doing Well" and "Room for Improvement" ratings. This data can be grouped by day, week, or month, allowing for a more detailed analysis of employee performance in relation to feedback.



Feedback Ranking Report per Person

This report provides detailed information about the employees who have participated the most in the feedback process in the company, both sending and receiving feedback. Additionally, the report also shows who has made or received the most feedback requests during a specific period of the month and year.


Feedback Answers Report

This report offers detailed information about the employees who have sent and received feedback, divided by specific themes, and whether these feedbacks were requested for behaviors or not. Additionally, the report presents information about the feedback formats created in the platform, such as "stop-start-continue."


This report is valuable for understanding how employees are communicating and recognizing each other in the company. It also allows for the identification of the most addressed themes in the feedbacks, such as compliments, thanks, and improvement suggestions. With this information at hand, the company can encourage an open and constructive feedback culture, promoting continuous improvement and employee development.


Feedback Request Report

This report provides information about feedback requests, including details about who requested and who received the request, as well as the current status of the request (answered, rejected, pending, or canceled). Additionally, the report also displays the date the request was made, allowing for accurate monitoring of interactions between employees regarding feedback.


These are the reports available in the Analytics.Rocks tab. If you have any questions, #ChatWithUs