In this article, you will learn the process of analyzing eNPS (Employee Net Promoter Score) questions in the Survey product.
The eNPS question type is available in the Survey product and may generate some common questions, such as:
How to perform the analysis?
Why use eNPS?
When is the ideal moment for its application?
We will address these questions and provide answers to help you better understand eNPS and its importance in the context of surveys.
📊 Analyzing eNPS Questions
Before analyzing the data, it's important to understand how eNPS works. eNPS represents the Net Promoter Score of employees, which measures how "loyal" employees are to the company they work for.
eNPS questions are on a scale from 0 to 10, with 0-6 as detractors, 7-8 as neutrals, and 9-10 as promoters.
Here is the visualization of the heat map from a survey conducted with eNPS questions.

eNPS Speedometer

Displays the overall score of the theme, calculated according to the eNPS methodology: percentage of promoters minus percentage of detractors.
Overall Summary Table

Shows information about the number of respondents for the theme and the theme's average, which is calculated using a simple average: the sum of all scores divided by the number of respondents.
List of Questions and Distributions
Displays all questions using the eNPS theme in the survey along with their respective distribution in percentage of detractors, passives, and promoters; overall score, number of responses, and number of comments for each question.
The divisions of scores in the distribution chart follow the methodology:
Detractors (orange): scores 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6
Neutrals/Passives (gray): scores 7 and 8
Promoters (blue): scores 9 and 10

Displays the heatmap of eNPS questions. An important detail is that the value shown on the eNPS theme's heatmap uses the eNPS methodology calculation (percentage of promoters - percentage of detractors).
The colors of the heatmap follow the scale shown in the legend just above the heatmap. The detailed scale is as follows:

eNPS Question Screen
General Summary

Provides general information about the eNPS question that was accessed.
eNPS 'Speedometer'

Displays the overall score of the question, calculated according to the eNPS methodology: percentage of promoters - percentage of detractors.
Table of General Summary

Displays information about the number of respondents for the question and the question's average score, which is calculated using a simple average: the sum of all scores divided by the number of respondents.
The divisions of the scores in the distribution graph follow the methodology:
Detractors (orange): scores 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, and 6
Neutrals/Passives (gray): scores 7 and 8
Promoters (blue): scores 9 and 10
💡Why Use It?
With the eNPS tool, it is possible to identify - on a low, medium, and high scale - how engaged and motivated employees feel about working for the company, evaluating, above all, whether the treatment provided to the workforce is positive enough to keep them loyal.
Between objective and descriptive questions, the main goal is to understand employees' loyalty and whether they would recommend the company in various opportunities. Therefore, the questions should be designed with a focus on the present and a vision for the future.
In the objective questions, employees will rate and classify from 0 to 10 how likely they would recommend the company, leadership, and product to others. Following that, in the descriptive questions, they will be guided to explain the reasons behind their chosen rating.
🧐When to Use It?
Although eNPS is a relatively simple indicator, measuring it periodically allows the company to quickly understand what is lacking in the organizational culture from the employee's perspective, providing vital insights for participative management with a focus on people. By analyzing the team's loyalty, especially the causes of dissatisfaction, it is possible to take preventive or corrective measures to improve the employee experience.
Implementing these measures can reduce turnover and prevent internal crises in time, preventing strategic talents from leaving the company. Additionally, it will strengthen the organization's engagement with its employees, improving the organizational climate. This, in turn, will enhance customer service, productivity, and interpersonal relationships, allowing collective goals to be achieved.
The fact is that happy people work harder and better. Therefore, if your company aims to offer the best work environment, to value human capital and gain a competitive advantage, consider increasing eNPS as an ongoing objective.
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