Remind someone about a feedback received or ask for a follow-up to know if you have improved
Qulture.Rocks' mission is to help people to unlock their potentials. We understand that feedback are like gifts that can help a lot on this journey.
Using our platform, we notice that sometimes we don't go back to an important feedback received previously. This means we don't give the attention to the huge potential a feedback can unlock.
For this reason, we launched a new feature: the Feedback Flashback. A month after the feedback is sent, we send an email with the feedback's message to who originally received it, encouraging that person to revisit it.
This email also has another improvement: the Follow-up. That person can not only see the insight received, but he/she can also ask for the sender's thoughts about how and where he/she has improved.
How does it work?
These are the steps followed by these new tools:
Michelle sends a feedback to Francisco;
A month later, we send a flashback email to Francisco with all the content of the feedback received and a follow-up invitation:

3. Francisco clicks on the Follow-up invitation and adds a commentary.
4. Michelle receives an email asking for the Follow-up and clicks to answer it;
5. Michelle answers with how much that person has improved and adds a commentary:
6. Francisco receives an email telling her that her follow-up request was answered.
Notice that both the follow-up request and the sent follow-up become commentaries inside the feedback so that the two people can revisit them at any moment and continue their conversation.
That's all folks!
We hope that this new feature help you become an even better professional! Let's all unlock potentials!
Do you have any doubts or feedback about this? Send us a chat message :)