Which integrations Qulture.Rocks support and what you should know before integrating
We have two type of user-related integrations:
User base sync: your company has a software that registers users and their work/personal information, such as area, department, manager, etc., and you want to sync this data with Qulture.Rocks. That means every user created on your system will be created on Qulture as well.
Authentication: your company has a Single Sign-On (SSO) system and you want to use it for Qulture.Rocks as well, which means, the login won’t be made with a password in the Qulture platform, but in another system, such as ADFS.
ℹ️ In this article, we will talk about the first case. In case you wish to look up more information on SSO, please refer to this article:
📡 Types of user base integration
1. User API - Customer implemented
Our system exposes an API for querying and updating employee info so you can connect with the system you wish to. E.g.: your company has its own payroll system and you want to sync it with Qulture.Rocks. All you have to do is require the API token and ask a developer in your team to implement a program that will execute the synchronization. Please note this service depends on customer side implementation. If you wish to go through with this process, you will need to send to your software developer the following information:
I. List of fields you want to sync
For that, go to Company settings -> Users -> Add employee -> With spreadsheet. Download the template and choose the fields you want to sync. We recommend building a spreadsheet with two columns: one with the SOURCE field name and another with the Qulture field name. E.g.: “City” in the SOURCE becomes “Location” in Qulture.
II. Access token
In the Qulture platform, go to Company Settings -> Integrations and generate a user API token (pay attention not to use the Platform API token, that has a different usage). We highly recommend careful usage and transmission of this token, since it has the powers of a platform administrator.
III. Then, you can send a message like this to the software developer:
The company will integrate the user base from [SOURCE SYSTEM] with Qulture.Rocks, our performance management system. To do so, we need a program that reads the user fields and updates them using Qulture’s user API. It works as a mass import: we send the whole user base and the users will be created or updated all at once.
The API docs can be found here: https://app.qulture.rocks/apidoc
I’m sending a list with the fields that need to be synced and I will safely send you the user API access token from Qulture.Rocks.
Any questions can be directed to this technical channel with this link.
2. Daily sync - Qulture.Rocks implemented
Our system runs a service twice a day (at 02:00 am and at 12:30 pm, GMT -03:00) that reads an external database (let’s call it SOURCE) and creates an import in the Qulture platform for all the clients that have this feature activated.
⚙️ How is the integration configured?
To configure an integration, just access the User Integrations screen through the settings menu. You can see how to configure it in detail by clicking here in this link.
📖 What are the available integrations?
ℹ️ In case you use a system that has a REST API, it is possible to evaluate the possibility of implementing the integration.
🛠 What are the available settings?
1. Global sync pause
Pauses the sync for all employees. A common case for this occurs when companies are in a performance evaluation cycle and the SOURCE system is outdated.
2. Individual sync pause
It is possible to pause the integration for a single user or a group of users in Qulture. Two common cases in which that may be desirable:
Pause the sync of participants in a performance evaluation so the hierarchy isn’t altered.
There are employees in Qulture that are not registered in the SOURCE system.
3. Leadership sync pause
While doing an integration, it is possible to choose either to sync or not to sync the hierarchy (who is the manager of an employee). By default, the hierarchy will be synced. If you need to activate this setting and pause the hierarchy sync for all employees, you can ask for help in the support chat. Please note it is not possible to pause this sync for a single employee.
4. Filter users to be synced
It is possible to set up the sync with multiple filters. If activated, the system will ignore the filtered users in the sync.
i. You do not want to sync interns: You can input the information in a field (such as “Job Level”) in the SOURCE system. Then, ask us to add to the sync a setting to ignore users with “Job Level: intern”.
ii. You don’t want to sync employees with a personal email address: In this case, we can add a filter to only sync users with an email address containing “@your-company.com”. That means the user with the email address “darth.vader@gmail.com” would be ignored in the sync.
5. Teams sync (Only Pingboard)
For the system Pingboard, there’s an option to activate teams sync. When active, it assigns users to teams based on the Pingboard groups that they are part of.
Note this will remove users from teams in Qulture when they are not part of the respective group in Pingboard.
i. John belongs to groups Engineering and Backend Chapter in Pingboard. Those groups do not currently exist in Qulture;
ii. Mary belongs to the group Backend Chapter in Pingboard and to the Product team in Qulture;
iii. When the integration happens, the Qulture platform will:
Create the teams Engineering and Backend Chapter;
Add John to teams Engineering and Backend Chapter;
Add Mary to team Backend Chapter;
Remove Mary from team Product;
This integration also has the option of syncing team leaders. For doing so, it is necessary to crate a field in SOURCE and fill, in the employee info, the names of the teams in which they are the leader, separated by colons, e.g.: “Product; Marketing”.
😱 Attention: In the case no employee is a team leader, the integration will remove the leaders from the teams.
6. User fields filter
There’s an option of creating a regular expression filter, using characters pattern to select parts of a text.
For instance, suppose that in the SOURCE exists a field called “location” with the information “London/England”. With the fields filter, it is possible to split this field for Qulture into “city: London”, “country: England”. That is possible using the character “/” as separator.
👀 Attention Points
In both integration types, it is important to be cautious with the following topics:
1. Editing in Qulture
After the sync is activated, if a user is created in Qulture and they don’t exist in the SOURCE, in the next sync they will be set as inactive. The same happens for user info updates: if, for instance, a user’s manager is altered in Qulture, this change will be undone during the sync, unless it is equal in the SOURCE.
In case you want to edit user information or create another user, you can do it through Qulture, but you will also need to do the equivalent in the SOURCE before the next sync. Alternatively, you can make the wanted changes in the SOURCE and click the “Sync” button, for the second type of integration (daily sync, if available for your integration).
Information that is not synced can be altered without causing any problems.
2. Deleting fields
If a custom field in SOURCE that is synced is deleted, the integration might stop working, even if another field with the same name is created, since its identifier may have changed.
3. Users inactivation
Users that are not registered in SOURCE will be inactivated in Qulture.Rocks. Remember that the process of inactivation has many consequences and should not be made inadvertently.
4. Identifier differences
Users with different email addresses in the SOURCE user base and Qulture.Rocks will be synced according to the following pattern:
John Doe is registered as john@company.com at Qulture;
John Doe is registered as john.doe@company.com in the SOURCE user base.
During the sync, the user john@company.com will be inactivated and the user john.doe@company.com will be created.
🚨 Important: if an employee has their email address changed in the SOURCE, it is essential that their email is also manually changed in the Qulture platform before the next sync happens. If the email addresses don’t match, a new user will be created in Qulture and the existing one will be inactivated. The person will lose access to the content they previously had on the platform. Please note that it is not possible to merge data from two different users.
5. Changing email addresses
If you need to change an email address in the SOURCE, please contact our support to guarantee a safe and smooth process. There is no feature for merging users in case a new one was created for the same person and both users have data (feedback, OKRs, etc…) associated with them.
In case there still is any doubt, please contact our support!