Learn how to combine various filters in the Box to make calibration easier after a review cycle or during the succession process
1. What are the advanced filters?
To optimize the calibration process by providing visibility to the desired data in the 9BOX, advanced filters allow the combination of several filters, these being:
Employee fields;
Job titles and positions;
Succession and nominations.
All options are available by clicking the "add filter" button, where you can choose to select one or more options, as in the image below 👇
In this functionality, the page presents the following layout according to the selections made:
2. Who can access the advanced filters?
Currently the advanced filters can be used by three personas in the platform: leader (direct and indirect), BPs and admins.
3. Functionalities
Learn about each of the 4 existing filters in detail 😁
3.1 Segments
To combine segments with other filters you will need to create the segments beforehand. You can select any segment to filter, however, it is possible to filter only ONE segment at a time.
Be attentive to the visibility and segments permissions, which are explained below:
👉 Who can view segments? Full Admin, Company Admin, Segment Admin and Feature Admin (depending on how segment visibility is configured)
🟣 Note: Feature Admin is admin of any product, for example; Review Admin, OKR Admin, Box Admin, etc.
👉 Who can view segment members? Full Admin, Company Admin, Segment Admin and Review Admin or Box Admin (who can see members in their actuation group).
3.1.2 Visibility Configuration
By clicking on the three little dots located on the Box > Manage segments > Visibility for editors page, you can select which BPs can view the segments and the members contained in them.
Click on ''Manage Segments"
2. Select who can view the segment
🟣 Note: segments that were created prior to the release of the advanced filters are visible to all feature admins and BPs and are able to access segments cotaining at least ONE employee from their feature group.
3.2 Employee fields
3.2.2 Employee field visibility
👉 The user will be able to filter by the employee field if it is permited for by their user permission type at the platform (ex: review admin) or the relationship type (ex: direct leader).
👉 The user will be able to filter by an employee field if they are allowed to view it according to the relationship type between the members ans the employee field permission.
3.3 Job titles and positions
The filter displays employees who currently occupy specific positions in the selected job titles.
🟣 Note: to filter by job title, the new job title structure must be enabled in the company.
3.3.1 Filter options
Job name
Critical position
Since there are two operators ''Is'' and ''Is not'', if the employee has no position or does not occupy a critical position, simply filter by the ''Is not'' option.
3.4 Succession and Nominations
It is available for companies that have the Succession product, in order to use 9Box to assist the nomination calibration process and not only the review scores.
Within the options of this filter, it is worth mentioning that the readiness level is also considered, in which employees who have been nominated to the readiness level are selected, varying according to the levels registered by the admin.
🟣 Note: archived readiness levels can be filtered if they are being used in appointments that are active.
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