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Exemplos de como cadastrar metas/OKRs na plataforma

Veja algumas formas de fazer isto na plataforma Qulture.Rocks


In this article we will talk a little about how to register goals and OKRs on the Qulture.Rocks Platform. For this, we will be guided by four hypothetical goals:

  • Increase revenue to R $ 100 million in the cycle

  • Reduce costs of the product sold by R $ 50 thousand

  • Keep the account churn at 4%

  • Deliver the final strategic planning until the end of the cycle

If you still understand little about the goals and how they work, it’s really worth reading The ABC of Goals. Read it? Excellent. So come on.


Registering the Objective

The first step is to register the Objective. Remembering: the Objective is what we want to improve. An interesting way to think about the Objective - and to arrive at the Objective and its Key Results from a traditional goal - is to fit them in the gaps below:


"Let's ________________, and we will know if we were successful if we manage to achieve _________, __________, and _________."


The first gap is the Objective. The next gaps are the Key Results, that is, the indicators that we need to measure - and their new levels - that will give us the certainty that we have reached our Objective.


Therefore, if we fill in the gaps with our goals above, we will have something like:

  • "We will 'grow the company's revenue', and we will know if we were successful if we manage to reach 'R $ 100 million revenue in the cycle'";

  • "We will 'Reduce the company's expenses', and we will know if we were successful if we manage to reach 'Costs of the product sold R $ 50 thousand lower'", and finally;

  • "We are going to 'Keep churn low', and we will know if we are successful if we manage to achieve 'Account churn at 4% in the cycle'".

Note that we think this construction of the gaps is ideal because it is oriented towards verbs and actions. We think "Reducing costs" is better than "Low costs". Gaps can mean that you have to rewrite your Goals and Key Results a little bit. Something that is suggested, but not necessary.

Registering the Objective in the system is easy. First, click on the "New" button and then on "Objective":





And fill in your Objective data:



In the case above, the Objective is "To grow the company's revenue", for example. Use the description to add more color to the Objective, if necessary, and define whether the Objective is public (everyone can see it) or private (only the 'owner' of the Objective) can see it.



Registering Key Results

In the exercise of the gaps you have probably already debugged your Key Results. As we said, Key Results are the metrics that will allow you to say, with confidence, if the Goal has been achieved.


Now let's do a step by step to help you register your Key Results on the platform.

The first step to register any Key Result is to click on "+ Add" just below your Objective:



By clicking on this button you will see the method for creating Key Results, which we will explore below:



Key Result 1: R $ 100 Revenue million in the cycle

Our first Key Result is to achieve 'Revenue of R $ 100 million in the cycle'. This is the most common way to register a Key Result, referring to the new level (R $ 100 million) of the indicator / KPI (Revenue).


We could phrase this Key Result in a few different ways, obtaining the same results. See below:

  • Grow the company's revenue by R $ 20 million in the cycle (it is assumed here that the revenue from the last cycle was R $ 80 million, as 80 + 20 = 100)

  • Grow the company's revenue by 20% ( it is assumed here that the revenue of the last cycle was R $ 83 million, because 83 * (1 + 20%) = 100)

Anyway, you understood the concept. For us here at Qulture.Rocks, the best way to create Key Results is the one that most 'talks' with the reality of the company, that is, the easiest to be understood and absorbed by people.


Ok, but how to register? The name of the Key Result is quite simple: "Revenue of R $ 100 million in the cycle" or something like that. In the description field you can define in more detail what this Key Result is. In this case, some quick questions that can be clarified in the description field are:

  • Gross or net revenue?

  • Do they count or do they not count returns?

  • Is the recipe for product, service, or all together?

Anyway, the idea is to be as clear and specific as possible, leaving little or no room for doubt.

The second step is to choose the type of the Key Result. To help you register your Key Results, we have created four main types:

  • Increase value

  • Reduce value

  • Maintain value

  • Deliverable

In our current case, we want to grow revenue, so let's select the first option:



Now let's go to the numbers. Below the types, there are the Initial Value, Amount to Be Achieved, and Value Measure fields. In this case, we can fill it out as follows (based on the examples above):

  • Initial value: R $ 80 million (that is, the value of the Revenue indicator at the end of the last cycle - assuming that we will increase by R $ 20 million to R $ 100 million, used R $ 80 million base)

  • Amount to be reached: R $ 100 million

  • Indicator unit: easy. In this case, R $ million (millions of reais)



Perfect. Just click on "Continue", define the responsible and contributors, check if everything is right and then click "Create". Your Key Result will look like this:



Key Result 2: Costs of the product sold R $ 50 million less

The second Key Result to be registered looks a lot like the first. The big difference is that it is a reduction target, that is, it is better if the indicator being monitored (in this case CPV, or Cost of Product Sold) is reduced in the cycle.


As you saw in the previous item, just create an Objective and then click on "+ Add". When you see the Key Result creation screen, you will fill it out as follows (we will assume for didactic purposes that the cost in the previous cycle was R $ 80 million, so the reduction of R $ 50 million will cause the indicator to be R $ 30 million, 80 - 30, in this cycle):



Key Result 3: Churn of accounts at 4% in the cycle

The last Key Result is "Churn of accounts at 4% in the cycle" based on "Keep" type indicator, where the intention is to adhere to a given level of the indicator. As we saw before, the objective of this Key Result, that is, what we want to achieve, is "Keep churn low '".


When we start filling out our Key Result in the system, we see that there are a few more options for KRs of the type "Keep":



We have 3 new options to choose from in relation to the "Type of maintenance goal":

  • Above the value to be maintained is better

  • Below the value to be maintained is better

  • Above or below the value to be maintained is worse

Above is better: In this case, we want to keep an indicator, for example, at 4%, but if it is greater than 4%, even better - we want recognize if the person or team achieves a result higher than the level of the indicator to be maintained. Imagine, for example, a Key Result based on the "Shopping cart conversion rate" indicator. Of course, the bigger the better.


Below is better: Churn (or the rate of cancellation of recurring products or services, such as subscriptions) is an indicator that the lower the better. The fewer customers cancel their subscriptions, the better, as revenue remains constant for these customers. In our case above, to maintain churn at 4%, this would be the best alternative to be chosen.


Above or below is worse: The last type of goal to maintain is one in which the Objective is to maintain an indicator adhering to a given level. For example, if we have some kind of forecasting process in the company, it is always better that we get the forecast right. In these cases, it usually doesn't matter whether the error is up or down: error is an error. In an illustration, we may want Maju from Jornal Nacional to set the day that it will rain. Whether she misses it before or after, it matters little. This is the rarest case to be used, but it is still available if necessary.


Key Result 4: Deliver the final strategic planning until the end of the cycle

Key Result 4 is the most controversial of all. In theory, we should avoid, whenever possible, key results that are difficult to measure. Goals and OKRs are, par excellence, tools for managing results, not efforts or projects. But it is undeniable that we must manage strategic projects and that the tool is very similar to the management by goals. Therefore, you can use the "Deliverable" goal to manage strategic projects on the Platform, and you can learn in this article.





This article should cover any questions you may have regarding how to register a goal or Key Result based on a KPI or indicator. If there is still any doubt, we would love to talk to you in the chat in the lower right corner of this screen and help you to register your goal :)