Environment Settings

Which automatic notifications are sent via e-mail by Qulture.Rocks?

Here’s the complete list of e-mail notifications sent.

This article lists the notifications which are sent and what actions trigger these automatic e-mails.

Please bear in mind that only active users will receive these notifications.

🟣 Feedback or praise note received

Action: Maria sends a feedback or praise note to Juca

Who'll receive the notification: Juca

🟣 New commentary on a feedback note

Action: Someone (sender or addressee) inserts a new commentary on a feedback note

Who'll receive the notification: the other person

🟣 Thank you note for a feedback received

Action: Juca thanks Maria for the feedback she sent him

Who'll receive the notification: Maria

🟣 Feedback request received

Action: Maria pede feedback para Juca

Who'll receive the notification: Maria

🟣 Feedback request reminder received

Action: Juca sends a feedback request reminder

Who'll receive the notification: Maria

🟣 Feedback forwarded to the leader

Action: Juca, Eduarda’s subordinate, forwards a feedback to his leader

Who'll receive the notification: Eduarda

🟣 Praise received

Action: João receives a praise note from Lucas

Who'll receive the notification: João

🟣  Digest

A feedback report sent from time to time to all company employees (if that’s not your case, please contact us).

🟣 Feedback flashback

Action: I receive a feedback flashback e-mail reminding me of a feedback or praise up to 30 days after I received it containing a link to create a follow-up feedback.

Who'll receive the notification: Whoever received feedback

🟣 Feedback follow-up request

Action: João receives a feedback flashback e-mail sent by Maria and requests a follow-up.

Who'll receive the notification: Maria

🟣  Feedback follow-up replied

Action: Maria replies the follow-up request sent by João.

Who'll receive the notification: João

🟣 Progress update in a key result note

Action: João, Maria's subordinate, updates the progress status in a key result note.

Who'll receive the notification: Maria


Action: João, Maria's subordinate, shares a key result note with Pedro, who then updates the progress status in a key result note.

Who'll receive the notification: Maria

🟣 New commentary in a key result note

Key Result - Employees

Action: Anyone who’s not responsible for a key result comments.

Who'll receive the notification: Owner


Action: Anyone who’s not the leader of the employee responsible for a key result comments.

Who'll receive the notification: Leader of the employee responsible for the key result


Key Result - Teams

Action: Someone from that particular team comments.

Who'll receive the notification: Team members


Key Result - Company

No notifications are sent.

🟣 Subordinate suggest evaluators

Action: Juca, Eduarda's subordinate, sends a list of evaluators he’d like to suggest

Who'll receive the notification: Eduarda

🟣 Leader approves his/her subordinate’s list of evaluators

Action: Eduarda approves Jucas’s suggestions

Who'll receive the notification: Juca

🟣 Reminder for pending evaluator suggestions

Action: Admin sends a notification

Who'll receive the notification: All employees who haven’t yet suggested evaluators

🟣 Reminder for pending evaluator suggestions analysis

Action: Admin sends a notification

Who'll receive the notification: All leaders who still have a pending evaluator analysis from a subordinate.

🟣 Request to reply to an evaluation

Action: Admin sends a request to reply to an evaluation

Who'll receive the notification: All evaluators assigned

🟣 Reminder to reply to an evaluation

Action: Admin sends a reminder on pending evaluations

Who'll receive the notification: Everyone with a pending evaluation

🟣 Granted access to results report

Action: After admin authorizes each leader, these may grant subordinates access to the results report

Who'll receive the notification: Subordinate

🟣 New commentary on an individual report

Action: Subordinate inserts a new commentary on an individual report

Who'll receive the notification: Leader


Action: Leader inserts a new commentary on an individual report

Who'll receive the notification: Subordinate

🟣 Scheduled 1:1 meeting

Action: Leader schedules a 1:1 meeting with the guest

Who'll receive the notification: Guest

🟣 Change made to a scheduled 1:1 meeting

Action: Leader changes the date for the 1:1 meeting with the guest

Who'll receive the notification: Guest

🟣 Deleted 1:1 meeting

Action: Leader cancels and deletes a 1:1 meeting with a guest

Who'll receive the notification: Guest

🟣 1:1 meeting marked as finished (1:1 meeting evaluation)

Action: Leader marks a 1:1 meeting with a guest as finished

Who'll receive the notification: Subordinate

Note: The e-mail sent allows the subordinate to evaluate this 1:1 meeting with the leader.

🟣 Feeling of the week

Action: By the end of the week, employees receive an e-mail asking how he/she is feeling after that particular week.

Who'll receive the notification: Subordinate

🟣 Feeling of the week - Reminder

Action: Leaders can forward an e-mail requesting employees to reply telling how did they feel the week before.

Who'll receive the notification: Subordinate

🟣 Priorities of the week

Action: By the beginning of the week, usually on Monday morning, employees receive an e-mail asking what are their top 3 priorities for that week.

Who'll receive the notification: Subordinate

🟣 Priorities of the week - Reminder

Action: Leader can forward an e-mail requesting employees to tell their top 3 priorities for the current week.

Who'll receive the notification: Subordinate

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