Understand how the question presentation logic works in an evaluation form.
Qulture.Rocks uses the following logic to present the questions in the evaluation form:
Visibility by relationship:
The first presentation rule is the relationship between the evaluated / evaluator pair. This means that if a question is configured with “Relationship visibility” = “Self-assessment”, it will only be presented for forms in which the relationship of the assessed / evaluator pair = “Self-assessment”.
Question settings:

Setting up the relationship of the participant pair:

Visibility by TAGs:
The second presentation rule is based on the TAGs of the appraised of this pair. It works as follows: if a question is configured to be presented only with "Visibility by TAGs" = "Marketing", it means that it will appear only on the forms of the evaluated that have TAG Marketing.

Example: if Hector is evaluating Naty and Naty has the TAG “Marketing”, the questions configured to appear for this TAG will be visible in the form that Hector is answering about her.
NOTE: to reinforce, the visibility by TAGs happens according to the TAG evaluated, always. The appraiser's TAG is indifferent to the presentation of questions.
Visibility by participant_TAG:
The third presentation rule is based on the participant's tag, more clearly, the TAG of the evaluated / evaluator pair. This logic works as follows: when a question is configured to be presented only through the “participant TAG” = HR question, for example, only the evaluated / evaluator pairs that have this TAG will be able to view it.
Example: for situations in which visibility by relationship or by TAGs cannot cover, this third logic is used. We had a practical case of a question about salary increase in which only one HR member could answer about all employees - in this case, relationship cannot solve this question (as other pairs may have the same relationship as the HR + Evaluated pair) and TAG of the appraised (since all appraisers would start to see the HR question) neither.
In this case, we really need to define a presentation logic between the pair and the question.
To use this TAG, you need to perform a mass import of participants. Inside the spreadsheet you should insert a column called "tags", it would look like this:
reviewed_email |
reviewer_email |
relationship_type |
tags |
Reviewed E-mail |
Reviewer E-mail |
Relationship |
Participants tags |
auto |
NOTE: To get the import spreadsheet the step-by-step is in the article How to add participants in a Performance Review
This tag has a different form of inclusion within the questions that the reviewed/reviewer pair must view.
It must be written into the "Display conditions by tags" field and are separated by semicolons (;) when there is more than one participant tag per question.

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