In this article, we will explain the information available in the Team Panel report.
Feedback is a powerful tool to foster a culture of high performance in companies since it provides an environment of dynamic interactions for employees.
With this report, the platform admin should have access to new perspectives, thus more visibility of feedback information.
In order to extract this report, you must click on “Feedback” and look for the "Team Panel" option (1). After that, a new page will load and then you must select the option "Download Report" (2). Finally, an Excel file will be downloaded:

Feedback report
This Excel file is the new report, which is divided into 5 tabs. Here are they:
Panel: in this tab, the main data taken from the interactions between employees are shown, such as "Use of Feedbacks", "Employee Ranking", "Ranking by Area" and "Skills that received feedbacks".

✏️ *This image does not show real data.
Usage: in this tab, you can see "performance" data on the company's employees regarding sending and receiving feedbacks.

✏️ *This image does not show real data.
Values: in this tab, there is quantitative information on how employees are receiving “Good job/1" and "Worth Improving" notes related to each of skills (or values, principles).

✏️ *This image does not show real data.
Info - Sent: in this tab, you can check data of any feedbacks sent by a employee, such as "Who sent it?" , "Who received it?" , "Sent date" and "Did you receive any Praise/Thank You/Comment notes?".

✏️ *This image does not show real data.
Info - Request: in this tab, you will be able to see data regarding feedbacks requested by an employee, such as "Who requested feedback?" , "Who sent feedback?" , "Request date" and "Status".

✏️ *This image does not show real data.
We hope this article helped you have a new perspective on feedback culture and how it could be implemented or developed in your company.
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