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Qulture.Rocks Academy
First Steps
- Configuring the assessment on the platform
- Calibrating banknotes at Qulture.Rocks
- Preparing the platform for Go Live
- Analyzing the results of the process
- Tutorials for collaborators
- Answer period
- Calibrating Positions Through the Box
- Creating the Assessment Project
- Imports for admins
- Setting up and tracking feedback (Individual Reports)
- Nominations and Validations Period
- Product Reports
- Platform Introduction
- Knowledge trails
- Description and visibility by tag
1:1 and Leadership
Succession Product
Goals and OKRs
People Analytics
Qulture.Rocks Template Collection
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Exclusive Program for Qulture.Rocks customers
[Report - Review] Grades and Questions
You can download a report that contains every question and grade from all employees of a Perf. Cycle Review. Take a look:
1. At the top navbar, click on "Review" icon.
2. Clock on the name of the Performance Cycle Review you want to download.
3. Click on “Team Results” tab
4. Click on the download icon (cloud) to download a complete report (1).
5.At the right side of each name, click on the download icon to download the questions and answers received by this specific person.

The report contains:
Employee data (name, email, supervisor, tags)
Final Grades (With and without calibrations)
Grades average
Relationship grades
Average by topics
Grades for each questions
Individual report released or not
Any question? #ChatWithUS 🚀