Answering a Survey at Qulture.Rocks is quick and easy!
Before we begin, it's important to highlight some essential premises about the Qulture.Rocks Pulse Survey product:
🟣 Anonymity: Responses are collected anonymously, which means that your company's HR cannot identify who provided each response.
🟣 Confidentiality: Confidentiality is a fundamental feature of the Pulse Survey product. This means that when responding to the survey, only quantitative and qualitative data is collected and displayed on the platform. HR will only have access to the average responses and comments without identifying the respondents.
🟣 Minimum respondent requirement: A minimum of 3 respondents per area/department/etc. is required for the data to be viewed. For example, if you belong to the Marketing department with 5 employees, the data will only be displayed to HR if 2 more employees respond to the survey.
🟣 Exclusive link: Responses are collected through a form sent via link or platform. This link is non-transferable, and the information already provided cannot be deleted from the system. Therefore, make sure that only you have access to the link or your Qulture.Rocks account.
Now that we have clarified this information, let's get started!
How to answer a Survey at Qulture.Rocks?
You can answer the survey in two ways:
✅ Clicking the link sent by email;

✅ When accessing your homepage at Qulture.Rocks, you will see a notification saying that there is a pending answer to a survey.

💡 Tips and best practices:
Find a quiet place to answer the form;
You can start answering, stop and continue answering later. As long as you don't submit the completed form before the answer time limit ends;
It is estimated that it takes from 30 seconds to 1.5 minutes per question (depending on whether you want to include comments), so check your schedule taking into account the lenght of the survey;
Check your internet connection;
Be honest and transparent in your answers! This is a very important tool that helps the HR team understanding the company's main needs.
🚨 Caution! Once the form is submitted, it is not possible to modify the answers.
Do you have any questions? You can notify us at our chat!