In this article, we’ll help you better understand what hierarchy browsing is and each users' permissions
The idea of hierarchy browsing is to allow leaders to have access to all information coming from both his/her direct subordinates and everyone under his/her subordinates, as shown in the image below.

In other words, hierarchy browsing means viewing the information of any employee who’s below you in the company's hierarchy.
What can I see as a leader?
In the Qulture.Rocks platform, the admin can allow hierarchy browsing individually for different tools in the platform. For example, it is possible to grant hierarchy browsing for feedbacks, but not in objectives and goals.
The tools in which this kind of browsing is allowed are the following: feedbacks and compliments, IPD, OKRs, evaluations and profile. We’ll explain how hierarchy browsing works in each section and what the leader’s permissions are.
Feedbacks and compliments
In the feedback section, a leader who is browsing the hierarchy can view the feedbacks received by any employee belonging to his level of hierarchy. This means that he/she can see the list of all feedbacks and read each one, but he/she cannot write comments on them. Comments can only be made by a leader to his/her direct subordinates.
If the feedback section of a team member cannot be seen by the leader, this will also not be available through hierarchy browsing.
In the IDP section, leaders browsing the hierarchy can view all development areas of all employees in his/her hierarchy level as well as the action plans associated with them. However, he/she is unable to perform any type of data update or delete information.
In the OKR section, leaders are able to view all objectives and key results of all of his/her subordinates through hierarchy browsing. It is also possible to comment on key results and view more detailed information, such as update timeline, milestones and feeling of the week. However, leaders cannot make any kind of update on both objectives and key results.
⚠️Note: The visualization of OKRs of indirect subordinates (employees below the leader’s subordinates in terms of hierarchy) is only possible through the leader's home page . This does not extend to the OKRs section as the OKRs of all employees are already public by default. If they are not setup like this, they will not be visible in the OKR section.
In this section, hierarchy browsing allows leaders to view the results of evaluations that have already been released to each direct leader. The results will feature the same format for direct leaders and for browsing through hierarchy.
User profile
What leaders see in their subordinates' profiles when browsing through hierarchy (as seen in the image below) contains all information previously mentioned. This means that he/she will only be able to view his/her subordinates' features that are individually enabled in addition to basic data, such as name, email, direct leader, teams to which the employee belongs and the list of his/her subordinates.

Hierarchy browsing via profile is also enabled individually. This means that it is possible to enable it in the other tools, but keep it disabled in the user profile.
A very important point of hierarchy browsing is that it does not influence the information that is released to the direct leader of an employee.
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