Qulture.Rocks Academy
First Steps
- Configuring the assessment on the platform
- Calibrating banknotes at Qulture.Rocks
- Preparing the platform for Go Live
- Analyzing the results of the process
- Tutorials for collaborators
- Answer period
- Calibrating Positions Through the Box
- Creating the Assessment Project
- Imports for admins
- Setting up and tracking feedback (Individual Reports)
- Nominations and Validations Period
- Product Reports
- Platform Introduction
- Knowledge trails
1:1 and Leadership
Succession Product
Goals and OKRs
People Analytics
Qulture.Rocks Template Collection
What's new?
Exclusive Program for Qulture.Rocks customers
How do I view my Leadership Score?
Leader, improve your 1:1s with the evaluation of your direct reports!
After "Marking as done" a 1:1 with your servant, an email is sent to her to evaluate this meeting.
With your leadership development in mind, you can analyze the evaluations received, anonymously, through the "My Leadership" tab inside the 1:1 product.
In the top bar, click on "1:1s" (the name of this product may vary according to the company).
Click on "My leadership" and take a look at your 1:1 average (scores from 1 to 5):
This average is calculated by the platform according to the following logic:
1st step: simple average of the grades given by a person;
step 2: simple average of the resulting averages of each person in the team
If you have less than 3 people in your team, you will not be able to view this information to ensure the anonymity of the evaluations.
So, how can you improve this meeting even more?
Questions? #ChatWithUs