How to access Qulture.Rocks
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  3. How to access Qulture.Rocks

Downloading the Qulture.Rocks App on your mobile device (IOS or Android)

Here you can learn how to install app on your mobile device and get much more mobility!

IOS - Please, follow these steps:
1 - Go to your “App Store”;
2 - Search for “Qulture Rocks”;


3 - Click on “Get”


4 - When the download is finished, open the app and log in.


Ready (:

Android - Please, follow these steps:

1 - Go to your “Play Store”;
2 - Search for “Qulture Rocks”
3 - Click “Install”
4 - When the download is finished, open the app and log in.


Good to know: If you use G-Suite account you need to download the app using the App Store from the “Work Mode” Profile and then use your work e-mail to log in :)


Any questions? Please reach us on the chat and let us know!