In this article, we will demonstrate how to group the results of your survey based on an nBox from a performance review
After running surveys with company employees, if there are evaluation cycles with created nBoxes on the platform, it is possible to cross-reference this information to analyze the relationships between survey dimensions and questions and employee performance according to the nBox quadrants, in the format of a heat map, as shown in the image below:

🚨 Attention: When participants are moved from one box quadrant to another during calibration processes, this information is automatically updated within the survey analysis. |
🟣 How to enable nBox analysis in a survey
nBox analysis becomes possible in a survey when:
The review cycle, whose nBox will be analyzed, started before the survey.
The nBox being cross-referenced has 3 or more collaborators who have responded to the survey in at least one of the quadrants.
🟣 How to use nBox grouping in a survey
To visualize the grouping by nBox:
On the survey analysis page, next to the heat map, simply click on the grouping button.
In the modal that opens, select the option "Performance by Box," the last item, and then click on "Group." The number in parentheses represents the number of review cycles available for analysis in this survey, meaning how many review cycles occurred before this survey.
Upon clicking "Group," the available review cycles for analysis will be displayed. The numbers in parentheses represent the number of nBoxes within each of these cycles. Simply click on the chosen cycle and, once again, click on "Group."
The available nBoxes within the chosen review cycle will be displayed. The numbers in parentheses represent the number of quadrants within each of these nBoxes. Again, select the desired nBox and click on "Group."
The heat map will be displayed. Each row of the heat map represents a dimension of the survey that was applied, and each column represents a quadrant of the nBox. The quadrant names are taken directly from the nBox within the review tool. If they have not been configured, they will appear as "Quadrant 1," "Quadrant 2," etc.
To further analyze the data, you can click on any of the dimensions, access the page for that dimension, and by clicking on "Heat Map," observe the intersection between each question within that dimension and each quadrant of the nBox.
With this article, we hope you have learned how to group the results of your survey based on an nBox from a performance review. If you have any questions, #ChatWithUs, and we'll be glad to assist you!