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How to set up a Review? [Draft Mode]

As an administrator, you can set up a new review cycle to perform internal tests and validations before the official process.

Updated over a week ago


With this function, the administrator can go through important settings or details before making the review available for employees. The main objective of Draft Mode is to bring security and confidence to HR and everyone involved when setting up a review, by performing tests and validations.

Step by Step

To set up an review in Draft Mode, just follow the step-by-step below:

1. At the navigation bar, click on the "review" module

2. Click the "New review" button:

3. Enter the name of the new cycle: in the highlighted area, you must fill in the name of the cycle you are creating. You can do it in the three languages available in the platform: Portuguese, English and Spanish.

4. Go through each section of the new cycle specifications sidebar: this is the time to define each of the cycle specifications.

The six sections necessary for the proper functioning of the review are:

1. Schedule:

Here the specifications of the period of indications and validations are reported (optional); the start and end dates of the answer period. It is also possible to export all the answers given in this cycle;

On this screen we are able to:

1.1. Monitor the status of the review;

1.2. define the period for indications and validations, and its details and settings;

1.2.1. define the schedule of indication period for employes and validation period for leaders

1.2.2 If the indications will have limits

1.2.3 And settings for how these indications and validations will reflect on the review

⚠ Whenever you do any changes on this screen, you must save it to reflect in the review.

1.3 Setting the answer period;

2. General settings:

This is the most important section of the review configuration. Here the basic information is handled (name and content of the instruction page); grading number; date settings in the notification e-mails; sidebar configuration; Settings for leaders; average’s rules; weights by relationship.

On this screen we are able to:

2.1. define name and instructions;

Hereyou can check out explanations about how to allow reviewers to reopen their reviews and enable comparative reviews.

2.2 Defining number of grades and their settings;

2.3 Sidebar configuration;

2.4 Configure what leaders will be able to visualize;

Check out this article to know more about leader’s settings:: What settings for leaders are there in our Performance Review product?

2.5. Define how averages and grading scales will be calculated;

2.6. define the weights of each relationship;

2.7 Define if the review will have a connection to the IDP module;

The connection between the realeses and the IDP allows users to create a Development Area in the IDP directly from the questions in the individual report, both in the averages table and in the individual responses.

⚠ Leader and Admin cannot create an IDP from the review for their direct reports, i.e. only the user can use the connection.

Attention: When the connection is enabled, the ‘create IDP’ button will be available on all questions (computable or not) visible on the realese, except those created by the OKR’s sync. This is because we understand that questions related to goals usually have text that would not indicate a good IDP.

🛑 Important: Development Areas will be created in the IDP cycle chosen here. We allow administrators to choose an existing IDP cycle or create a new cycle at the time of configuration, since the current IDP cycle may not be the correct cycle for the outcome of that review.

Example: I am setting up an October/22 review that will go live on November/22 and the reports are released on December/22. The current IDP cycle is Q4/22, but the result of this review should feed into the IDP cycle Q1/23.

3. Topics:

Here you can define the topics and questions within each page of the review form.

On this screen you can:

3.1. Create the review topics and questions;

Support articles:

4. Non-Computable Questions:

Informational questions will be included here, which are not considered when calculating the employee's average - for example, "Indicate who your Culture reference is within the company" with a drop-down list for response.

On this screen you can:

4.1. set the page title and its description

⚠ If the checkbox is checked the participants will answer the non-computable ones first and then go to the topics.

4.2 Creating the non-computable questions;

5. Participants:

In this section, you will define the network of reviwers that will participate in the testing process in Draft mode, which is being configured;

On this screen you can:

5.1. Add the participants of the review manually;

5.2. add review participants in batches;

5.3. Update hierarchy, import participants, and finalize completed reviews;

Support articles:

6. Realeses:

Define the information that will be presented in the realeses individual report in the system;

Support articles:

Premises and consequences

Now that the review is all set up and ready it is time to activate and set it live!

Before doing so, it is important to remember that:

When you click the "Set review live" button, this cycle changes 'state' and becomes considered as an 'official' review in the system.

Some settings, like the rules for calculating the final averages, are blocked after the review is activated and goes live*.

NOTE: If you willing to make any risky changes at the configurations that are now blocked, we suggest duplicating the "Live" review (official) cycle to make all the next edits identifiable. After the changes, you can set the duplicated cycle live (with the status: "Draft").

Seting the review live and Activating the Cycle

After reviewing everything we can put the review live! To do so, we need to go into the "schedule" tab within the review settings.

As said at the beginning of the article, the main purpose of the "Draft Mode" is to allow you to test and set up a test environment before the review going live.With that in mind, when it comes time to go live we can

  1. exclude all participants who are in draft mode, or;

  2. keep the participants who are in draft mode.

For option 1: just leave the "Keep the participants created during draft mode" box blank.

For option 2: simply tick the "Keep the participants created during draft mode" box.

After defining if the participants should be kept or not you can "Set review live" and "Activate review".

When activating the review you can choose to send emails to the participants letting them know that it is ready to be answered!

Any questions? Call us on chat 😄

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