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All CollectionsPerformance EvaluationCalibrating positions through the box
What is the difference between intervals by notes and percentages in a Box?
What is the difference between intervals by notes and percentages in a Box?

With this article you will know what is the best Box interval configuration for your performance evaluation.

Updated over a week ago

The Box is a very important tool as it helps to graphically distribute the participants of an assessment. To learn how to create a Box, we recommend reading this article.

During the creation of a Box, one of the steps is the definition and configuration of its intervals, which can be defined by notes or percentages. Each of these two types has different configurations and for the explanations, let's consider:

  • A 5-note Performance Evaluation;

  • A 3x3 Box (popularly known as 9Box).

Intervals by notes

On the Box Configuration page, during its creation, when selecting the Intervals field with "Define using grade", two fields will appear to fill in the X Axis and Y Axis intervals.

In each field, we insert the notes that will divide each axis separated by ";" (semicolon). By default, the fields are already filled in to divide each axis equally. In the example then, we will have:

  • First range: 1.00 - 2.33;

  • Second range: 2.33 - 3.67;

  • Third range: 3.67 - 5.00.

Thus, when selecting the company or a segment of the company within this Box, people will be arranged in the quadrants according to the notes of each axis. See the example:

  • Laura had a score on the X Axis = 2.47 and a score on the Y Axis = 3.80, so she will be positioned in Quadrant 8;

  • Matheus had a score on the X Axis = 3.75 and a score on the Y Axis = 2.40, so he will be positioned in Quadrant 6.

✏️ Note 1: After finishing the settings and creating the Box, it will no longer be possible to edit the defined note intervals.

✏️ Note 2: When an employee has an index exactly equal to the upper limit of the interval, he is directed to the range below and not to the range above.

For example: João had averages on the X Axis = 2.33 and Y Axis = 3.67. It will be located in Quadrant 4.

⚠️ Important: When configuring a range of notes, it is possible to select in the Options field the topic "Enable automatic updating of positions in the Box". And when this topic is activated, people who have been added and evaluated within the Evaluation Cycle after creating the Box may appear in the Box. Otherwise, these people will not be included.

Intervals by percentage

On the Box Configuration page, during its creation, when selecting the Intervals field with "Define using percentage", a Box grid will appear to fill with the percentage of people expected in each axis interval.

In each interval, we enter the percentages we want in each interval. For example, the fields are already filled in to divide each axis equally, that is, 33.3% in each. In the example then, we will have:

  • Laura had a score on the X Axis = 2.47 and a score on the Y Axis = 3.80.

  • Matheus had a score on the X Axis = 3.75 and a score on the Y Axis = 2.40.

  • João had a score on the X Axis = 2.33 and a score on the Y Axis = 3.67.

Thus, if we consider the three as one segment, they will be divided in the proportion of 1/3 for each interval of the two axes and thus, we can order them from the lowest to the highest note of each axis:

  • Ascending order for the X Axis: João, Laura and Matheus.

  • Ascending order for the Y Axis: Matheus, João and Laura.

Thus, distributing our segment, we will have the following positions in the Box:

  • Laura will be in Quadrant 8;

  • João will be in Quadrant 4;

  • Matheus will be in Quadrant 3.

✏️ Note 1: Just like the interval by notes, after finishing the settings and creating the Box, it will no longer be possible to edit the defined percentage intervals.

✏️ Note 2: There may be cases in which the number of people inside a Box does not follow the exact proportion, which may cause small deviations in the intervals.

For example: if we have a segment with 10 people in the same conditions as the examples above, we will have an interval of each axis with 4 people (40%) and the other two with 3 people (30%).

⚠️ Important: When configuring a percentage range, it is possible to select in the Options field the topic "Activate expected / real module". When activated, each quadrant shows: number of people expected according to percentage distribution, actual number of people after distribution and suggested action - that is, the number of people that should be removed or added in this quadrant.

If you want to know more about the expected / real module, just check out the settings step-by-step in this same article.


In order to summarize the permissions of each configuration, we have the following table:

Intervals by notes

Intervals by percentage

Enable automatic position update

Enable expected/real module

Edit configured Box settings

Grouping of quadrants

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