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Check out what's new in Qulture.Rocks - our latest product releases and updates!

Updated over a week ago

The latest news we've listed here may be in the release process, which means it may take a while for it to be available to you.

January, 2023

🤘 Platform - User Base synchronization between Qulture.Rocks and Learning.Rocks

With the new synchronization, the Learning.Rocks (LR) user base will be updated from the Qulture.Rocks (QR) user base. From now on, creation, activation, blocking, on leaving or terminating of users on the QR platform will be reflected on the LR platform. In addition, name, email, role the user has on the platform (e.g. administrator, student) leader and status will also be synchronized.

November, 2022

🤘 Platform - Approval Flow for Editing in Employee Fields

This new feature aims to empower employees to update their data on the Qulture.Rocks platform. After updating the value of a field in their profile, the employees send this change for validation and the platform administrator or direct leadership can approve or reject the request made.

August, 2022

🤘 Platform - Flow of Terminated or On Leave of an employee

We have changed the process of inactivating an employee within our platform. Admins are now able to select if they are Terminating or On Leaving employees.

October, 2021

🎯OKR - OKRs Monitoring

There's another amazing new feature coming to our platform! We have implemented OKRs monitoring. With these new features, you will have a better view of the data in the platform and a greater sense of usage and engagement across the company!

This update has graphics that are divided into two major groups: OKRs Update and OKRs Progress. On this screen you will also find the option of filters that can be customized by period and/or teams and the sending of reminders both by e-mail and Slack

September, 2021

👥Succession - New "positions" structure on the platform

This is a special one for those who love data standardization! How about activating the new “jobs” structure on your platform? With this new feature, we guarantee that, in addition to being able to define positions and positions for all employees in your company, you will also be able to: identify and monitor critical positions of the company, have greater accuracy of information related to positions, define the description of positions to monitor the track of career and have less complexity in the implementation of the succession process.

🎉Compliments - Sharing Compliments by Linkedin

Getting compliments is always cool, isn't it? That's why we make this functionality public. We recently made available the option to share compliments received on our platform through LinkedIn.

🎯OKRs - OKR Management Screen for Leaders

We’ve released the OKR Management Screen for leaders and, through this new feature, they will be able to: access the percentage of direct led with registered objectives and projects, have an overview or by led of the percentage of approved goals, send reminders (by and e-mail or slack) for their team members to register objectives and projects on the platform and to approve all outstanding OKRs of their team members.

🎯OKR - Change in OKR Cycle Configuration Interface

Look how amazing! We've updated our OKRs cycle configuration interface and now it has a much more intuitive, clean and easy-to-use screen. Don't worry, this was just a screen design change and no functions or cycle settings were changed.

🎯OKRs - Single Kanban Task

Another FANTASTIC novelty coming here! Our OKRs product now has the Single Kanban Task. With this new feature, we intend to facilitate the usability of the platform by making available, on the OKRs/Goals home page, all tasks related to key results and deliverables for a given person.

July, 2021

🎯OKR - Approval Workflow

Just look!!! We’ve implemented an incredible new feature in our OKRs product: the OKRs and Projects Approval Workflow. With this new feature, when the person finishes the description of an OKR or project, he can send it for approval by the platform leader or administrator. The best? This new feature ensures that all goals go through the approval phase and also prevents them from being changed by accident or improperly once approved. Learn more

👥Succession - Succession Product Launch

Our Succession Product is ready!!! Yeh, you read it right! Now, through Qulture.Rocks it will be possible to create succession plans that will help your organization to grow in a structured way, avoid short personnel in key positions, prepare your employees to take the next step in their careers and MUCH MORE!

✏️Review - Access to the employee's profile through the sidebar in the assessment product

Look how cool: we´ve recently performed an update to our Review Product and made it possible to access the employee's profile through the sidebar in a review. With this new feature, when their leaders are carrying out a review, they can access information from the collaborator's profile, such as: position, career interests, salary range, etc.

June, 2021

📈 IDPs - Interface update

We’ve updated the IDP screen and it has a much more modern and intuitive look, with a visual more aligned with the rest of the platform.

May, 2021

🤝Praise - Sending praise by Slack

Nothing better than launching a novelty that was born from a wish of our customers! We make it possible to send praise through Slack. Look how simple it is: type in Slack “/send_praise”, in the pop-up, select the collaborator, write the praise and click “send”.

🎯OKRs - Changing the team that owns an OKR

We worked on an update on our platform that made it possible to change the team that owns an OKR. What does that mean? It means that a goal, which previously belonged to, for example, the sales team, can now be transferred to the CS team with just a few clicks.

April, 2021

🎯 OKRs - Monitoring of Incremental and Partial Partial Goals

There's more news coming in our OKR product! We’ve updated the Qulture.Rocks platform and now, in addition to tracking incremental partial goals, you can also view your monthly accumulated key results. This means that now it is also possible to analyze, at certain periods, goals that are cumulative, that is, that add the result of the previous month to the result of the current month. Know more

March, 2021

💬 1:1 - 1:1s analytics table

I bet you've always wanted to know how the 1:1s are going in your organization! We make this possible with Qulture.Rocks' new 1: 1s Analytics Table. There you can view the list of leaders and led; sort your employees in alphabetical or 1:1s order; apply filters that help identify who are the leaders who do or do not perform 1:1s at a given frequency and send reminder emails.

🎯 OKRs - Objective and Project Reasoning

What about a little help to plan your projects or objectives and defend them for your leadership? We’ve created a guide template in our OKRs product that is going to help you to base and reflect on your goals and projects. Learn more.

🎯 OKRs - Redesign of the goals and projects creation screen

Just take a look! More good stuff coming here on the Qulture.Rocks platform! We have made some changes to our flow of elaboration of objectives and projects and, now, their creation is much more robust and simple to use. For this end, we divided the process into a few steps that make it possible to create goals and projects in a much more fluid and friendly way.

💬 1:1 - 1:1 Time customization

Have you ever wanted to customize the duration of a 1:1? Your time has come! We’ve carried out one more update on our platform and now you can choose the start and end time of your 1:1s. Amazing, isn't it?

📈 IDPs - Interface update

Just take a look! There's more good stuff coming on the Qulture.Rocks platform. We’ve updated our IDP product and it has a much more modern, intuitive interface and it also has the current layout of Qulture.Rocks.

February, 2021

✏️ Performance Review - See your pending evaluations on Slack's home

Qulture.Rocks keeps bringing you news! This one is about the creation of our home on Slack. In it, your organization's employees are able to view notifications about pending or unfinished evaluations. In addition, they can also access and respond to them via the link in the message that directs them to the Qulture.Rocks platform. Super cool, isn't it?

💻Product Interface: New look of the Global Menu

Look at this amazing news: our global menu has been updated! Seeking to make the Qulture.Rocks platform much more modern, clean and intuitive, we modified the layout and location of our global menu to the left side of our platform. In this way, in addition to optimizing the space occupied by products on the screen, we have also improved the responsiveness of our App.

✏️ Performance Review - New Button for 1: 1s Return Schedule

A good performance appraisal process must be structured from the start to the end. Therefore, after this period, it is extremely important that leaders hold feedback meetings with their employees. To make this process more fluid, we added a new button, in the list of individual reports on our platform, which will facilitate scheduling a 1:1.

January , 2021

💬 1:1 - 1: 1s Calendar Sync with Google Calendar and Outlook

Everything became easier and more practical! We performed an update on our platform and it is now possible to synchronize Qulture.Rocks 1: 1s with Google Calendar and Outlook automatically. What does that mean? It means that you can view all of your 1:1s (with leader, led and colleagues) directly on your calendar, without the need to manually include them. Know more.

🔎Research and People Analytics - Launch of our product!

The most awaited moment for us here at Qulture.Rocks has arrived! Our Research and People Analytics Product is ready to be used!!! What about making your company's HR much more strategic? We can help with that! Our new product will help to identify how your employees are feeling, it will also create detailed analyzes regarding the responses of an internal survey and soooo much more!

✏️ Performance Review - Matrix 9Box Expected x Realized

We know how important it is to follow the evolution of employees to make decisions regarding job changes. With that in mind, we have updated our Performance Evaluation product and it is now possible to compare 9Box analyzes for Expected vs. Realized results. What does that mean? It means that you will be able to compare the number of people expected within a quadrant and the actual number of people after an action. Pretty cool, isn't it? Know more.

December, 2020

💬 1:1 - Set your Priorities Directly through Slack

Here at Qulture.Rocks we always seek ways to make our customers' daily lives simpler and lighter! With that in mind, we carried out an update on our platform, allowing employees to align their priorities with leaders directly through Slack. Read more.

💬 1:1 - Edit your 1:1s information

We know how difficult it is to reconcile schedules to mark 1:1s. Who has never rescheduled a conversation, right? On the Qulture.Rocks platform you can change the dates, titles and times of your 1:1s.

💬 1:1 - Leader notification via E-mail or Slack

A leader usually has a very busy day. Thinking about that, we created a way to make it a little bit more agile 🚀🚀🚀

Do you know the notifications of Leadership news that are visible at the top of the platform? Now, if there is an update from a team member not seen, we will send an email or notification through Slack with a reminder to check out news.

Okay, but what exactly are these news about?

They can be about 5 different activities:

  1. Led responded priorities;

  2. Led led on priorities;

  3. Led updated priorities;

  4. Led responded feeling;

  5. Led led commented on sentiment.

To know this news in detail, click here.

💬 1:1 - Qulture.Rocks and Ribbon partnership

Qulture.Rocks in partnership with Ribon started a project to transform feelings 💜 into donations 💰. Do you know the best? Contributions are free. To make a donation just follow the 4 steps below:

  1. Respond to the sentiment of the week via email or Slack

  2. Wait for the receipt of credits on the Ribon platform

  3. Choose the NGO or social institution you want to help

  4. Make your donation!

🎯 OKR - New Key Results screen migration with monthly monitoring

You asked and we answered! We carried out an update on our platform and, in addition to the accumulated monitoring of the cycle that you already know, it is now also possible to monitor the month-to-month evolution of the expected results X achieved. Do you know the best? This new screen has a light, modern appearance and still has task tracking in kanban format.

November, 2020

📱 Mobile - Redesign and Leadership

We did a redesign on our mobile app and it has a new look! Much prettier and practical, we changed the whole interface of our app to improve your experience. Besides, it's now possible to submit your priorities and feeling of the week, as well as check your direct reports' responses. Available for Android and iOS.

October, 2020

✏️ Performance Review - Period of indications and validations

The module allows you to create a worflow of reviewers' indication and validation in a performance review. The basic workflow works like this:

  1. Reviewee acess the Indications page and create a list of possible reviewers to review them;

  2. Reviewee forward the list to their leader to validate;

  3. Leader checks the list, and can take three main actions: include new reviewers, reject proposed reviewers and accept proposed reviewers.

💬 1:1 - Pulse of Feelings Benchmark

What about knowing how your company's Pulse of Feelings response rate compares with others? Now you have access to this information directly from the platform, with the new Pulse benchmark. It's a simple way to track other companies' response rate and compare it with your rate! This way you can understand, week by week, how your response rate is compared to the market.

💬 1:1 - Private notes

In our 1:1 product, now it's possible to take private notes, which means notes only you have access. All the notes live in the sidebar (the one in 1:1 or Leadership) and they can be linked to an 1:1 or be just a single note; you can think of this new feature as a "notepad". It's possible to create private notes about anyone you had an 1:1 with, about yourself, your direct reports and about your leader. No one, not even your leader or HR admin will have access to this information.

August, 2020

🎯 OKR - New Key Result details page

Now you can check the Key Result details in a more organized way, focusing on what matters and with powerful organizational alignment tools. We have three main sections:

  1. Indicator history

  2. Kanban tasks board, with the so requested drag and drop 😉

  3. Sidebar with a cleaner activities panel and a section to more information, such as description and contributors.

Besides that, the indicator update is more powerful with the proximity of the status (previously called "feeling"). This way, when updating the progress, you can give an idea on how confident you are to reach the goal.

demonstração da atualização de um indicador e quadro de tarefas Kanban

For now, this page does not work with milestones. Stay tuned because we will soon have more news!

💬 1:1 - Filter by leader

Admins and BPs can filter the Analytics.Rocks page (in the 1:1 product) to have the same view as a leader; in other words, it's possible to see only a certain leader's direct reports data. Admins have access to all company leadership, while BPs have access to the leadership in their group of action.

💬 1:1 - Jitsi in app

The Jitsi window (the video conference solution we use in our 1:1s product) now shows up within the 1:1s page. Both meeting participants can access it by clicking on the button “Enter video conference”. From this window, you have access to all basic functionalities of a video call, including chat and screen sharing.

👩‍💻 API - Create 1:1s to your users

Now it's possible to create 1:1s through our API, optionally with themes. This can be used, for instance, to import 1:1s to our platform.

Read more about our API here.

✏️ Performance Review - New option in dynamic box

In Performance Reviews, the dynamic box now has an option that allows reviewees created after the creation of the box to be added to this one when there is a change on his/her average. To enable this setting, contact us by the chat.

✏️ Avaliação - Nova configuração no Período de Indicações

Performance Reviews now have a setting in the Period of Indications: "Do not email leaders after direct reports submit their indications". By default, an email is sent to the leaders when someone submit their indication. We recommend to enable this option when the period of validations do not happen at the same time as the indications.

💬 1:1 - Filter by theme

In 1:1s, the meetings with someone can now be filtered by theme.

July, 2020

💬 1:1 - Feelings response via Slack

Now it is possible to answer the feelings pulse (weekly survey we sent to the employees asking "How was your work week?") without leaving Slack. To enable this option you need to set up the Slack integration in the "Organization settings", within the section "Integrations". You need to be a company admin to do that; if you are not, contact her/him to activate this feature.

Read more more how this integration works here.


Hello! Welcome to What's New in Qulture.Rocks! 😁

Here, you can check out all of our product news. We want to keep you updated of our latest releases, so you can continue to have an amazing experience in our platform!

We had to start somewhere and that's why you see the news only from July, 2020 on. In other places of our Help Center, you can find updates from previous periods.

We hope our updates help you to enjoy the best from Qulture.Rocks.

Got any questions? Just contacts us by the chat!

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