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Evaluation Pathway for admin

The idea of this content is to present all the possibilities within Performance Evaluation for you, Qulture.Rocks administrator.

Updated over a week ago

Conducting a performance evaluation project is complex and challenging for the company's HR and the objective of this content is to make this journey easier presenting some conceptual and technical tips for the operationalization of this project.

It is a heavy trail, so we suggest a lot of attention and calmness during the steps of the process. Prepare some tea and let's get practical! 🍵

Knowledge Trail:

We will divide the knowledge trail according to the steps of the deployment process followed by our expert team, Solution Architecture, here at Qulture.Rocks. Starting with:

1. Building the model

  • The first step to successfully touch this process is to define what the objective of the performance evaluation process in question is.

  • From the objective, the assessment model to be used is defined, including questions, scales, and participants.

  • Having this defined, it is important to know what the business rules of your process will be. For example: can the leaders have access to the answers received by their followers? What will be the calculation rule considered to build the employee's final average? These questions will be explored in depth during this material.

  • It is also important to define the timeline that must be followed for the process. In a practical way, what are the dates for the process of (i) indication/validation (optional); (ii) answer; (iii) calibration, and (iv) feedback.

✏️ Generally, the evaluation process lasts 30 to 40 days, from the beginning of the construction of the model in the platform until the last stage, the release of the results.

2. Configuration in the platform (Setup)

3. Preparing for Go Live

✏️ In case your process has specific periods per relationship (for example: starting with self-assessment and then with leaders assessing the team), it is important to pay attention to this article as well.

  • With the additions and updates made, simply send the invitation to employees.

⚠ ️ Attention: if your process includes the stage of Appointments and Validations, you can send first the invitation to appoint and validate, and then the invitation to answer the form, following the steps in this article.

4. Indications and validations period

  • Would you like the collaborators themselves to be able to indicate possible evaluators to evaluate them and the platform leaders and admins to be able to reject or validate these indications? If yes, remember to configure this step previously by following the steps in item 2 (Configuration in the platform).

  • Invitations sent! The process is up and running! The idea is to closely monitor the engagement of employees during this stage. We have some tips on how to do this and you can view them here.

  • Through this article, the collaborators can see how to make referrals within the platform.

  • Through this article, leaders can see how to validate referrals within the platform.

5. Answer period

  • Along the same line of reasoning, in this step we suggest monitoring the response stage and employee engagement. In case the engagement is not very high, you can forward reminders through here.

  • ⚠ ️ Ah! I need to make some edit in the network of evaluators during the process, how to do it? (It always happens!) These articles explain a little of the possible actions in this network of collaborators such as: update relationship, include, delete, reopen, increase deadline.

6. Calibration Period

Uh, quite a lot up to here, huh? Let's go. 🚶 In Qulture.Rocks, you can perform the calibration step, which is nothing more than a step in which HR and managers (typically from a department or set of related departments) meet to discuss the performance of their leads and agree on the performance evaluations performed. You can perform two types of calibration (i) of numerical averages and (i) of Box positions.

In addition, we have a report called Equity.Rocks that can help you a lot in defining which employees should be calibrated during the process. This report aims to centralize data and information about the people being evaluated and that are relevant to the moment of calibrations, in order to speed up the process discussions. Interested? Contact your account manager to request the standard report.

7. Individual report and feedback

  • After the end of a performance evaluation, the platform can generate a report, which points out the results obtained by the employee. This is a very important moment for the employee to reflect on the positive points and points for improvement. Therefore, a feedback moment between leader and subordinate is necessary in order to discuss together all the results of this report.

  • It is necessary to set up, check, and release the individual reports to the cycle's appraisees for this step to take place.

8. Analyze the cycle results

  • Finally, it is very important to understand what the results found during this assessment were, not least because it may be that the purpose of it is really to give HR visibility of the employee performance and development indices.

In addition, we also have a report called People.Rocks, which aims to centralize some relevant data and information from your appraisal process in order to provide some analysis for discussions about the process, such as performance comparisons by area, position, leader, top & low performers, etc. Interested? Contact your account manager to request the standard report.

It is a very complex process, but extremely important for the company. You can count on our team of experts, whether they are solution architects, account managers, or even the chat room! We are at your disposal to help! 😃

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