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Box: Quadrants, colors and descriptions

This article shows how our customers have been creating Box

Updated over a week ago

The Qulture n-Box tool allows you to add names to the quadrants, colors and also descriptions. All this to make the tool more and more visual and help you to make more assertive decisions.

As inspiration, we brought you some ideas for quad names, descriptions, and also the most used colors!

Important: Remembering that each client places the variables that make the most sense for their evaluation on the axes of the boxso the descriptions can also (and should) vary! You will see that the descriptions presented here make sense for the variables Behavior / Cultural Fit X Result or Behavior / Cultural Fit X Potential.

Quadrant names

Here are some suggestions for the names of the 9-Box quadrants:

We have seen that the most used colors are red, yellow and green, as noted above.

Quadrant descriptions

In addition to naming the quadrants (and inserting colors), you can add descriptions to them. Below are some suggested descriptions:

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