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FAQ | OKRs (Concepts)

This article contains the most frequently asked questions about OKRs

Updated over a week ago

What is OKR?

Objectives and Key Results is a goal writing method, which the main objective is to make clear the objective of the goal and which quantitative actions are necessary to achieve it.

This article explains you in detail about the methodology and why we believe in it.

What is the difference between Objectives and Key Results?

The objectives are qualitative while the key results are quantitative. Here's an example:

Objective: Increase the company's talent retention.

Key Result 1: Decrease turnover by 10% in the 1st quarter.

Key Result 2: Conduct 2 research for leadership (January and March).

Can I register my goals as KPIs on the Qulture.Rocks Platform?

Yes! Although Qulture.Rocks recommends the OKR methodology, it is possible to insert your goals the way you prefer 😊

What is the difference between Objectives and Projects?

The difference between OKRs (objectives that unfold in key results) and projects, is basically in the way they are written and achieved.

Check out this article for a more detailed explanation with examples.

Can I register projects at Qulture.Rocks?

Yes, you can choose whether to register an objective or a project.

How do I register my OKRs at Qulture.Rocks?

It's very simple and this article has a step by step to guide you!

What is alignment and how can I do it on the Qulture.Rocks Platform?

It is fantastic to have the view that all employees of the company are directing their efforts in the same direction. You can get this view through the Objective Map, a tree-shaped graph where each objective is aligned to what it contributes.

How do I configure the OKRs visibility on the Platform?

As an Admin profile, there are several possibilities for visibility (employees can see the all the OKRs, release OKRs for teams and the company) and this article can guide you.

How does an Admin set up an OKR cycle (Goals cycle)?

Admins can create the cycles, delimit their duration and also set the editing permissions for creating OKRs. This article guides you through the steps.

Got any more questions? #ChamaNoChat we will help you 😁

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