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How are the averages calculated in the reviews?

In this article, you will learn how individual and collective averages work in reviews.

Updated over a week ago

Where do the averages appear?

The Performance Review tool consists of computable and non-computable questions. Computable questions allow, for example, decision-making support by ranking employees based on scores in the team results screen and distributing them in the quadrants of the 9Box.

Computable questions are grouped by topics, which correspond to each page in a performance review form.

Throughout the review tool, we can find average calculations in two contexts: individual averages and collective averages.

Context 1: Individual Averages (1 reviewer to 1 reviewee)

Since each question (from now on, let's refer to computable questions as simply "questions") is within a topic, when Dora (reviewer) completes a review for Santiago (reviewee), we calculate the average of a topic by averaging the scores of its questions, weighted by their respective weights.

Similarly, the system calculates the average of the topics, weighted by their weights, to obtain the overall average of the review conducted by Dora for Santiago.

Consider a review with the following weight distribution:

This calculation is performed as follows:

These averages, both for the topics and overall, can appear in the following situations:

  • Summary when answering the review

  • Participant details

1. Summary when answering the review

When completing a review form, on the final screen, a summary of the responses is displayed. In this summary, the averages are presented according to the previously chosen configuration, which can be either numerical values or a concept scale.

2. Participant details

When the manager or administrator clicks on "View Details" on the Tracking screen or on the name of the evaluated individual in Team Results, the participant details are displayed. In these details, the averages are shown based on the chosen configuration, which can be either numerical values or a concept scale.

Context 2: Collective averages (n reviewers for 1 reviewed individual)

Here we deal with average scores given by multiple reviewers to a specific reviewed individual.

To understand this topic, it is important that you first understand how relationships work in the Qulture.Rocks system. Click here to read the article.

These averages appear on the following screens:

  • Team Results

  • Individual Report

  • 9Box

Let's take the following hierarchy as an example, where each colored rectangle represents a person:

Let's consider the following review structure, with the table on the right indicating the weights per relationship, configured by an admin during the review setup.

Now, let's understand how the two types of collective average calculations work.

When creating a review, the admin chooses the type of average calculation per relationship: not grouped by relationship or grouped by relationship.

1. Not Grouped by Relationship Averages

This option causes the system to calculate averages simply by computing each reviewer with their respective weight.

Thus, in our example, we have the following average calculation:

2. Grouped by relationship average

In the case of averaging grouped by relationship, the system first calculates the simple average within a group (for example, the simple average of all peers) and then calculates the average of each group of relationships with its respective weight.

Please note that the system treats all relationships as a group, even if there is only one participant (e.g., self-evaluation).

For this first step, we have the averages by groups:

With these averages and the weight table, we can calculate the grouped averages.

🛑⚠️ It is important to note that when the N/A option is active and marked, the questions with that rating are not included in the calculation.

That's it. This is one of the most sophisticated parts of the system, so it's normal to have questions. If something is not clear, #ChatWithUs 🚀 😄

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