- Central de Conhecimento
- Avaliação de Desempenho
- Preparando a plataforma para Go Live
Academia Qulture.Rocks
Primeiros Passos
Avaliação de Desempenho
- Configurando a avaliação na plataforma
- Calibrando notas na Qulture.Rocks
- Preparando a plataforma para Go Live
- Analisando os resultados do processo
- Tutorial para colaboradores
- Período de Responder
- Calibrando posições através do box
- Criando o projeto de avaliação
- Importações para admins
- Configurando e acompanhando as devolutivas (Relatórios Individuais)
- Período de Indicações e Validações
- Relatórios do produto
- Introdução à plataforma
- Trilhas de conhecimento
- Descrição e visibilidade por tag
1:1 e Produto de Liderança
Produto de Sucessão
OKRs e Metas
People Analytics
Coleção de Templates da Qulture.Rocks
Novidades do Produto
Webinars de Novidade de Produto
Programa Exclusivo para clientes Qulture.Rocks
What leaders can see on the "Team Results" tab
Let's understand the view of the leaders in the "Team Results" tab
Do you have any doubt about what leaders can see? The tab "Team results" will show data about the managers led, depending on the configuration chosen by you!
In this tab it is possible for the leader to visualize:
Notes for questions;
Notes by topic;
Individual report of each team member (anonymously or not);
Responses received by the team members (anonymously or not).
Reports' anonymity
The last two topics are defined by the setting "Make employee assessments anonymous for leaders". In other words, if this setting is enabled, the information will be anonymous. Otherwise, the names of the subordinate's evaluators will be displayed.
Search and filters
It is possible to search by:
Employee name;
Filter by leader or;
Filter by segments.
The performance review admin profile is able to filter by all the organization's leaders, while the leadership is able to see through the leadership filter those leaders below it in the hierarchy.
✏️Note: For the leadership to be able to view searches by the leadership filter, the hierarchy view must be enabled. To enable it, the admin profile needs to request it by reaching our chat.
Release individual reports
In addition, it is possible to define if the leader can visualize the final result of his subordinate and if he/she be able to release the result to his/her subordinate.
It's necessary to choose between the settings "Release reports to leaders (immediate effect)" and "Allow leaders to release reports to their subordinates", respectively, which are available in the configurations of your Review.
If you choose the option to let the leader view the final result of his followers, the megaphone symbol will be displayed:

If you have any doubts, #ChatWithUs.