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Applicability of multiple leadership in products
Applicability of multiple leadership in products

This article has the objective of explaining how multiple leadership is applied to products

Updated over a week ago

Below we will describe the applications of multiple leadership on Qulture.Rocks products.

Performance Review

Within the Performance Review product, Multiple Leadership impacts in only three places: Individual Reports, Received Answers tab in the sidebar while reviewing a direct report, and Monitor Team screen.

⚠ It is important to note that the configurations of the review are reflected, also, on the people in the manager and managed roles who relate to these screens. It means that what holds for the leader or direct report, also holds for the multiple leader or multiple led.

Individual Reports

On the "Individual Reports" screen from the Performance Review product, the multiple leader has the same permissions as the main leader does, whenever the "Access individual reports" permission is active.

Example: Bel is Davi and Mario's leader; Pri is Fer and Massaro's leader. By accessing the "Individual Reports" screen, Bel sees David and Mario in a list and can perform certain actions (e.g. release access, download reports, schedule a feedback 1:1, etc.) - the same goes for Pri, regarding Fer and Massaro. Let's assume that the company has Multiple Leadership enabled and the "Access individual reports" permission is active, and that it has been configured that Pri is the multiple leader of David and Mario. Now, when Pri accesses the "Individual Reports" screen, she will also see David and Mario in that list and will have permission to do actions just like Bel does. In other words, when she accesses the screen, she sees a list of 4 people (Fer, Massaro, David and Mario) and, in her view, it is as if they were all her direct reports (she has the same views and actions on these 4 people).

Received answers in the sidebar

When a leader is reviewing a direct report, it’s possible to see the answers that they have already received in the "Received answers" section of the Sidebar (more about Sidebar in this article). The idea here is to allow the leader to also see answers received while evaluating someone in the managed role, if both are part of a relationship that allows this.

Example: Bel is David and Mario's leader. If the review settings allow it, when Bel is reviewing David or Mario, she can see the answers they have already received in the Sidebar. Now suppose Bel plays the manager role in a customizable relationship type where Milton and Ralph play the managed role, and that this customizable relationship type has the "Access responses received in assessment Sidebar" permission enabled; when Bel rates Milton or Ralph, she should also be able to see the responses they have already received - just as she does when she rates David or Mario.

Monitor Team Screen

All leaders who have a direct report participating in a performance review have access to the "Monitor Team" screen - in other words, whenever the leader has access to a review, they have access to this screen (there is no way to prevent the leader from viewing this screen). So we replicate the same behavior for multiple leaders.

It means that when the multiple leader has access to some review, they also sees the "Monitor Team" screen. And what he views on this screen actually depends on the other two Multiple Lead permissions (regarding Individual Reports and Sidebar).


  • Davi is Lívia's leader and Mario's multiple leader

  • Lívia and Mario are participating in a performance evaluation process

  • If the two ML permissions are off, when accessing the follow screen, David only sees Livia

    • This is because there is nothing to indicate that the multiple leader should see anything about his multiple followers being evaluated. If David were only the multiple leader of Mario (without being the leader of Livia), he would not even see this evaluation

  • Now, if either permission is on, then David will see Livia and Mario

In short, the "Monitor Team" screen appears for the multiple leader if any of the multiple direct reports are participating in that review AND any of the permissions are active (without considering other relationships as this person's leader).

Hierarchy browsing works as explained here.

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