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How to analyze the Turnover Dashboard inside the People Analytics product?
How to analyze the Turnover Dashboard inside the People Analytics product?

This article teaches you how to analyze Turnover Dashboard charts

Updated over a week ago

If you still don't know about the Turnover Dashboard within the People Analytics product, access this article, in which we explain the features and how to access it.

1. Big Number

Through them, Admin can analyze 3 pieces of information:

  • Turnover in the last 12 months

    • Calculated from the sum of the dismissals in the last 12 months divided by the average headcount in the last 12 months

    • Considers the month analyzed + the previous 11 months

  • Month's turnover

    • Calculated based on the total resignations of the month divided by the headcount at the end of the previous month

  • Month's disconnections

    • Count of the total number of contracts that have a date of dismissal

  • OBS1: For the last two big numbers, we also calculated the percentage variation of the information of the month analyzed in relation to the information of the previous month

  • OBS2: For companies that do not have data for the last 12 months, the big number will show the accumulated value for the months with available data

2. Total employees and turnover rate

The chart provides visibility into the turnover rate (line) and total headcount (bars) for the past 12 months.

  • It is not possible to customize the time period shown in the chart, it will always show the last full 12 months.

  • For companies that do not have enough data to complete the 12 months in the chart, the months with available information will be shown.

3. Terminations by type

Section that segments the total disconnections between 3 categories:

  1. Voluntary dismissals: dismissals that happen at the employee's initiative

  2. Involuntary dismissals: dismissals that happened at the company's initiative

  3. Undefined dismissals: dismissals that were not categorized as voluntary or involuntary

The calculation of the percentages is always done by the total number of dismissals for each category in the analyzed period divided by the total number of dismissals in the same period.

The percentage variation is always in relation to the month immediately preceding the analyzed month.

4. Breakdowns Section of the Disconnections Metric

This section concentrates 3 main graphs that help to analyze in more depth the metric of the total amount of terminations that happened in the organization.

All graphs have two types of views:

  • Overview of total shutdowns

    • Shows, for each category, the total number of dismissals that happened in the company

    • Example: Total company dismissals = 20

      • 10 were from the male gender category

      • 10 were from the female gender category

  • Detailed view of total shutdowns

    • Shows, for each category, the total number of dismissals that occurred in the company, however, divided among voluntary, involuntary and undefined

    • Example: Total company dismissals = 20

      • 10 were from the male gender category

        • 5 voluntary

        • 5 involuntary

      • 10 were from the gender category trans woman

        • 7 voluntary

        • 3 involuntary

5. Terminations by gender

For this chart, we used the data filled in the gender field of Qulture available in the collaborator's profile.

The categories available in this field are:

  1. Cis woman

  2. Cis man

  3. Trans woman

  4. Trans man

  5. Transvestite

  6. Nonbinary

  7. Agender

  8. Prefer not to answer

  9. Not identified

  10. Not represented

The axes of the graph are divided into

  • X Axis = Gender Dimension

  • Y axis = Dismissals quantity metric

6. Terminations by company tenure

For this chart, we use the "admission date" information that is available in the employee's profile. We calculate the length of service based on the "termination date" - "admission date". And, in cases where there is no "Admission date" information, the dismissal will be counted for the Unidentified category.

We use the categories:

  1. Up to 3 months - people up to 2 months and 29 days

  2. 3 months to 6 months - people aged 3 months to 5 months and 29 days

  3. 6 months to 1 year - people aged 6 months to 11 months and 29 days

  4. From 1 to 2 years - people from 1 year to 1 year, 11 months and 29 days

  5. 2 to 4 years old - people aged 2 years to 3 years, 11 months and 29 days

  6. More than 4 years - people aged 4 years or more

  7. Unidentified - persons without the "admission date" information

The axes of the graph are divided into:

  • X Axis = Dimension range of time at home

  • Y Axis = Dismissals quantity metric

7. Terminations by age

For this chart, we use the "Date of Birth" information that is available in the employee's profile. We calculate the length of service based on the "termination date" - "admission date". And, in cases where there is no "Date of Birth" information, the dismissal will be accounted for in the Unidentified category.

We use the categories:

  1. Up to 19 years old - people aged up to 18 years and 11 months

  2. 19 to 35 years old - people aged 19 years up to 34 years and 11 months

  3. 35 years up to 45 years old - people aged 35 years up to 44 years & 11 months

  4. 45 & 60 years old - persons aged 45 years up to 59 years & 11 months

  5. 60 years and over - persons aged 60 years and over

  6. Unidentified - persons without the "Date of birth" information

The axes of the graph are divided into:

  • X Axis = Age Range Dimension

  • Y Axis = Dismissals quantity metric

8. Terminations by area or department

  1. This table takes into account the employee's fields "area" and "department".

  2. Admin can choose to view by area or department by selecting on the table title

  3. We always show

    • the total number of dismissals in the area/department

    • total of employees in the area/department

    • distribution of the total dismissals by type voluntary, involuntary or undefined

If you still have questions about the new flow of Dismissal and Separation of employees, access this material.

And if there are any questions, just #CallNoChat 😊🤘🏽

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