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Workflow for Approving the Editing of Employee Fields
Workflow for Approving the Editing of Employee Fields

Employee Field Editing has the objective of empowering individual employees to update their data in the platform.

Updated over a week ago

Do you know what an employee field is and how to create one?

In the article "What are Employee Fields?" it explains all of this!

The new Employee Field Edit Approval Workflow is a workflow for the employee himself, after updating the value of a field in his profile, to send this change for approval.

After submission, the person with platform administrator, company administrator or direct leader privileges, if the workflow is so configured, can approve or reject the employee's field update.

The approval or rejection of the update exists to mitigate information security risks, such as a leader alone changing the department to which he belongs and gaining access to information specific to that department without actually belonging to it.

1. How do I configure a field for approval?

Access Organization > Settings > Employee Fields and Profile.

When opening the edit or creation modal for a field, enable the field editing by the Employee. Once done, you can enable 'Edit Approval.

By default, only individuals with the general admin privilege can approve or reject the request. When configuring, it is possible to allow individuals with organization admin and direct leader privileges to approve as well, just mark the option below.

2. How to make a field edit request?

Field editing by the employee continues the same way. All he has to do is to access his profile on the platform and try to change the value of a field.

However, next to the field that is so configured, it is signaled to the employee that the change of that field needs approval.

When editing the field and saving, a confirmation modal will open for the employee to confirm the sending for approval.

Once this is done, the field continues to show the value that existed before the change. But with a 'Pending' tag indicating that the field is pending approval.

On clicking the tag it is possible to see the previous value of the field and the default value of the change. Also, the employee can undo the edit, cancelling the previously made request.

When the request is approved or rejected by an admin or by the direct leader (depending on the configuration made), the collaborator will receive a notification on the platform.

3. How do I approve or disapprove an edit request made by a collaborator?


Whether we are talking about a general platform admin or an organization admin, there will be two paths. Both start with the appearance of a new pending action on the platform home page.

Path 1 | Through Employee Profile

In this case, you just need to access the Basic profile of the respective collaborator.

Just above, next to the collaborator's photo, a tag will appear with the count of pending approvals, for example, '5 pending approvals'. While navigating through the profile, the tag 'Pending' will appear in each field where an edit request has been made.

To approve or reject, simply click on the Pending tag to open the modal and evaluate the request.

Once the action of approval or rejection is performed, the collaborator will be automatically notified through a notification on the platform about the decision made.

Path 2 | Through the Approval Request List within Organization

By clicking on the pending action that appears on the platform homepage, the admin will be automatically redirected to the 'Approval Requests' list that can be found under Organization > Approval resquests

As a default, the list will be opened with the Pending Approval filter active.

To perform an action, simply click Open on the line of an order to open the modal.

Once the approve or disapprove action has been taken, this request will no longer appear on the pending requests list, and the employee will be automatically notified through a notification on the platform about the decision taken


In the case of direct leaders, the flow begins with the receipt of a notification on the platform (little bell).

Clicking on it, the direct leader will be redirected to the profile of the employee who is his or her subordinate to approve or reject the requests made.

Above it, a tag with the number of pending and approvable requests by the leader will be displayed, as well as the 'Pending' tag in each of the fields that are waiting for approval. By clicking on them, a modal will open for analysis and approval/rejection.

If the Leader can view and edit the field, but does not have the right to approve a change, editing the field will be temporarily blocked and they will be able to view the current change request, but not perform an action.

Once the approve or disapprove action is taken, the employee will be automatically notified via a notification on the platform about the decision made!

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