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Goal Review Model
Goal Review Model

In this article, we will provide examples of commonly used questions and configurations in a Goal Review.

Updated over a week ago


More important than dedicating oneself to a project is knowing where to direct that dedication because it's no use expending great effort if it doesn't yield the best results.

That's why Goal Management receives so much attention and importance today, as it ensures that the efforts of an entire organization are the best and directed towards the same objective.

There are many options for methods to be used for Goal Management. The one used and recommended by Qulture.Rocks is OKRs (Objectives and Key Results) because they provide a special focus on identifying the objectives that need to be achieved and defining metrics that indicate their effective achievement.

In other words, it's a methodology that looks at results rather than just efforts, allowing for a reassessment of whether the actions being taken are truly the most effective for achieving the desired outcomes.

Another important tool in terms of performance management is the review, which measures an employee's performance in various areas. One possibility - which is what will be addressed in this model - is Goal Reviews, which focus on analyzing an employee's achievement of their goals. Often, the results of this review are used as one of the criteria for calculating variable compensation.

Note: To implement this suggested model in the Qulture.Rocks platform, the client must have both the "Review" and "OKRs" products in their environment.

🛑Important: It is necessary to have a pre-established OKR cycle to synchronize with the review.


The objective of this review template is to assess the results achieved within the goals set for an employee during a specific answer period.

This review will be completed by the employee in their self-review and by the manager when reviewing their direct report. We aim to understand the perspective of both individuals: the employee who made efforts to achieve their goals and the manager who is responsible for managing certain objectives and ensuring their realization.

For this template, we will use the review to determine the variable compensation that the employee may receive at the end of the designated time for goal tracking. It is important to note that since this review involves financial considerations, it is not uncommon for employees to rate themselves higher than they should. To mitigate this bias, the final review rating will be given by the manager, who will use the employee's self-review as a basis for their responses.

Topics and Questions

In the case of Goal Reviews, the questions will be the employee's own OKRs, which are registered in the system.

For the scales, we will use a percentage rating directly related to the employee's performance in relation to the goal. The employee should select the percentage that best reflects their performance in relation to the goals or a percentage that represents a more practical performance throughout the cycle, considering that there may be changes in focus and goals to be achieved along the way. This is one of the reasons why we have a comments field, and the leader will be able to view their direct report's contributions.

The options for the scale will be:

  • Low performance (up to 50%)

  • Medium performance (50 to 75%)

  • High performance (75 to 100%)

  • Outstanding performance (above 100%)

Here is an example of how the question and its description would be displayed, as well as the available scale options and comments.

Flow and Schedule

As mentioned earlier, the review will be completed by the employee through self-assessment and by the leader assessing their direct report. Since the goals to be evaluated in each case are those of the individual employee, no one is better suited to understand their challenges throughout the goal cycle and analyze and assess their ratings. Therefore, the employee can provide input in their self-review, which is extremely important for the leader to know when completing their assessment.

To facilitate this process, we will follow a flow where the leader evaluates their direct report after the employee completes their self-review. This allows the leader to have access to the employee's self-assessment responses and reminds them of the progress made on the goals. To enable this, the leader will be given access to the self-assessment responses, which will be displayed in a sidebar when they fill out their assessment. This feature is known as the "Review Sidebar."

In order to enable this functionality, you will need to activate a configuration called "Sidebar with Received Responses from Direct Report" in the sidebar settings section.

Recommended Settings in the Platform

Moving on to more practical instructions, we will now highlight the recommended settings for this performance review. The first configuration to be made is to select the number of ratings used in the form grading. In this model, we are using a "4 grading". Additionally, it is necessary to enable the option to "display custom labels for ratings" so that we can customize the names of each rating in the grading scale. We will delve into the choice of scale in the respective topic, but it is necessary to make this preliminary configuration until then.

As a leader, you will have access to the responses of your direct reports' self-reviews in the sidebar. This will allow you to review their self-review before providing your own evaluation. The sidebar can be enabled by selecting the "Sidebar with direct reports' responses" option in the sidebar settings.

Please note that these settings are recommended to enhance the review process and ensure a comprehensivereview of your direct reports' performance.

As mentioned earlier, it is important for the leader to complete the review only after the direct report's self-review is completed. To ensure that this process occurs as expected and to empower the leader, we will enable the option to "send self-review notifications to leaders." This way, if the leader is not notified of their direct report's self-review submission, they can also take responsibility for ensuring the flow and functioning of the Goal Review.

As mentioned above, only the Leader's Grading will be used to determine the final grading of the employee. Therefore, we will use the option "Leader's Grading" for the final grading calculation.

Question Configuration

For this review, all questions will be related to the objectives from the OKRs product. After synchronizing the objectives in the review, there are some important points to consider:

In the review:

  • It will not be possible to delete the objective questions. If there is an incorrect import, a new review will need to be created.

  • The question considers the performance of the objective (O) and the performance of the key results (KRs), which are displayed as the question description (example of visualization in the section below along with the grading scale).

  • Only the individual OKRs of the employee will be shown in the form. Team and company OKRs are not considered in this synchronization.

  • The question weights are the same as the weights of the OKRs.

In the OKRs:

  • Within the selected cycle, it will not be possible to delete a pre-existing objective.

  • Within the selected cycle, it will not be possible to change the weights of the objectives.

With these clear instructions, the synchronization process is straightforward. You can follow the step-by-step guide below.

First, go to the "topics" tab in the general settings and click on the "configure" button at the top, below the text "Setup OKR questions".

After that, select the cycles to be evaluated (in this case, it will be only one, but it can be multiple), the grading scale to be used (which should be pre-registered before the import), and the review relationship. Additionally, you can choose whether the questions will have comments and if they are mandatory. Example:

It is important to note that after the sync is performed, if you wish to change the grading scale of the review or the comment settings, this change should not be made through the above screen. Instead, you should go to the "Topics" tab and make the changes individually for each question.

Report configuration

At the end of the process, it is possible to provide feedback to the employee with the assessments and comments made by the leader through a report. To configure it, you need to go to the "Individual Reports" tab, under the "Individual Answers Page" subtopic, enable the leader's view, and under the "Questions" subtopic, select the objective questions.

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Now you are ready to configure your Goal Review in Qulture.Rocks.

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