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OKR Management Dashboard
Updated over a week ago

1. What is the OKR Managementl Dashboard tool?

The Management Dashboard (MD) was created to serve as a tool for monitoring and presenting the progress and results of OKRs inserted into a specific cycle in a more visual manner. To track overall progress, it allows you to compare planned vs. achieved results for each goal with the display of the current percentage completion for each Key Result (KR).

2. What are the main objectives?

The creation of the MD aims to achieve two main objectives:

2.1 Provide an overview of OKRs at any of the three available levels in the platform (employee, team, and company);

2.2 Be used as a tool for presenting results during meetings.

3. Who has access to the MD?

Everyone in the company who has access to the Qulture.Rocks platform: employees, leaders, and admins.

4. Where can you find the tool in the platform?

By clicking on the OKRs icon in the platform's sidebar, the "Managerial Dashboard" button will appear at the corner of the page below the name of the OKRs cycle and the option to create a new one, as shown in the screenshot below 👇

🟣 Note: Since the MD can be viewed from different perspectives, each tab (Home, Employees, Teams, and Companies) presents a Managerial Dashboard button for each one, displaying only the OKRs for which the person or team is responsible or contributing.

5. What information can be found in the Managerial Dashboard?

The MD tool consists of an Interactive Header (containing the personalized name of the employee, team, or company), a Filters section, and the Objectives and Projects areas (information about the progress of OKRs with the status of each Key Result or Deliverable, along with their perspective).

🟣 Note: The Objectives and Projects areas may not appear in certain MDs, as they will only be displayed when they have data entered into them.

6. How to navigate through each of them?

6.1 Interactive Header

By clicking on the yellow-highlighted arrow as shown in the screenshot below, you can access your own own MD, switch between those of your direct reports (if you hold a leadership position), and those of the teams you are part of.

6.2 Filters

In the MD, there are two types of filters. The first is for Objectives or Projects, and the second is for Key Results or Deliverables.

Both work very similarly, as they are a kind of search tool where you can enter keywords to find what you want more easily. This search can be configured in two ways:

  • Contains: The results will be the names of Objectives, Projects, Key Results, or Deliverables that contain that keyword.

  • Does not contain: The results will be the names of Objectives, Projects, Key Results, or Deliverables that do not contain that keyword.

6.3 Objectives Section

In the Objectives section, there is data in the Objectives, Cumulative Progress (status), and Partial Progress columns.

In the Objectives column, progress refers to that objective in general, and the percentage colors follow the configuration set by each company (red, yellow, and green, or just blue). The Cumulative Progress column refers to each KR. The calculation behind it is based on the planned vs. actual, following the concepts of On and Off-track.

🟣 Note: A Key Result will be considered On-track when the result is equal to or better than planned. Off-track is when the result is worse than planned. For both cases, "planned" includes the target value and partial goals. On the other hand, Deliverables will be considered On-track when they are marked as done, have no configured delivery date, or if the access date is earlier than or equal to the delivery date. They will be considered Off-track if they are overdue and have not been delivered yet.

The Partial Progress columns exist only in the Objectives section. They are visible by selecting the unique end dates of all partial goals for a particular contributor and are displayed in ascending order.

⚠️ Pay attention to the difference in calculating partials for cumulative or incremental goals. For incremental goals, the partial goals are exactly the same values entered for each partial. However, for cumulative goals, the partial value is the difference between one partial and the next.

Example: If the planned amount for February was $100,000 and for March, it was $150,000, the partial for that period would be $50,000 (150,000 - 100,000).

6.4 Project Area

Similar to the Objectives section, the first column in the Project area shows the progress for that project in general. The main difference is that the Project area does not have Partial Progress columns. In this area, there are only spaces for Deliverables and Delivery Status. The Delivery Status column follows the same logic of On-Track and Off-Track status for Deliverables explained in the Objectives Area section.

🟣 Important: The MD allows you to directly open the modals of OKRs and Projects to update and edit information without leaving the Dashboard to perform an important action. Just click on the name of the Objective, Project, Key Result, or Deliverable, and the edit page will open.

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