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Objective and Project Reasoning

What is Objective and Project Reasoning and why it will help you through the planning step

Updated over a week ago

What is it?

The Reasoning for Objetctives and Projects is a kind of "template", i.e. fields that you should fill in when creating goals and projects, in order to help your team and your company in the planning stage of the OKRs.

This functionality helps the person responsible for the OKR to defend it at this stage!

Our purpose here is to encourage reflection, critical thinking, and to provide a tool that will help them write a good Objective or project.

The Reasoning for Objetctives and Projects also helps the leadership to have a better understanding of the goals and projects, which contributes to better decision making.

How does it work?

In practice, The Reasoning for Objetctives and Projects is a few fields available when creating and editing objectives and projects:

🙌 Vision of Success: The cycle has ended and this objective has been successfuly executed. Describe "what you see around".

🤔 Pre-mortem: The cycle has ended and this objective has been a failure. Describe why it was a failure.

⬆ Alignment with strategy: Write with your own words which elements of the strategic planning this objective aligns with and how.

🤝 Codependencies: What other teams or areas are related to this objective.

How to enable this functionality?

Objectives and Project Reasoning is a configuration of the OKR cycle, so from any screen in the OKR product, simply:

1. Click on the name of the OKR cycle;

2. Click on "Manage Cycles";

3. Access the settings for the cycle in which you want to activate this feature (by clicking on the pencil next to the desired cycle name);

4. Select the "Enable Objective reasoning" option.

⚠️ Important:

You can activate this functionality at any time in the cycle and when you activate it:

  1. Completing the fields described above becomes mandatory for all goals and projects in that cycle;

  2. For existing goals and projects, when someone tries to edit them, that person will only be able to save the changes if they have filled out the fields.


1. Is it possible to make the fields optional for some cases?

No. Remembering that the configuration is per cycle and all objectives and projects in that cycle will be required to fill in these fields.

2. Can I customize the fields and/or descriptions?

It is not possible to perform any form of customization; when you activate the functionality, you will have the fields as described above. However, if you would like to see something different, please contact our support team We love to have your feedback!

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