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Tracking partial goals of Key Results
Tracking partial goals of Key Results

This article will help you to understand how to track your Key Results with partial goals

Updated over a week ago

In addition to tracking total progress for the period, a key result can now also have an expected vs realized view for periods. In the most common case, we have periods defined in months.

This type of tracking works very well for key results that have a well-defined and predictable history, such as revenue and sales key results, for example.

How to enable partial tracking of key results?

To activate it is necessary to have an Organization Admin or OKR Admin profile. Then just:

  • On the Cycle Configuration screen, activate the setting Allow partial goal definition for key results.

How to use partial tracking?

After the monitoring is configured, just perform the following step-by-step:

  1. Access the details screen of a key result;

  2. Select the option Plan partial goals;

  3. In the form that will open, select Monthly if you want to divide the period into months or Customized if you want to define the periods;

  4. Select the goal for each period/month;

  5. Click Save to finish.

✏️ Note 1: When selecting Monthly, the first and last periods will start at the start and end date of the cycle and at the bottom of the graph the months will appear.

✏️ Note 2: When selecting Customized, the dates of the configured periods will appear at the bottom of the graph.

✏️ Note 3: To remove the configuration of partial goals just click on the key result for Update partial and Remove partial.

✏️ Note 4: This functionality is only available for increasing and decreasing results indicators, and it is not possible to apply it to indicators of the type Keep value or Delivereable.

Once configured, a new screen called Partial goals will appear on the key result screen. It is possible to follow a graph in which each bar represents the accumulated progress for that period.

How to update the progress of the indicators?

Updating progress on a key result with partials is done incrementally. For example:

When defining values ​​for a key result, instead of inserting the final result, you should update with the additional results achieved, such as Add 5 and then Add 6 instead of updating an indicator 0 to 5 and then to 11.

✏️ Note: For decreasing key results we have the vertical axis inverted, that is, the graph remains oriented “upwards”, but each time with more negative values, as it is updated.

How to export partial goals?

To have a report with your partial results, just export the spreadsheet on the Objective and projects Management screen, selecting the option to add a tab with the partial goals.

⚠️ Attention when deleting a progress update

When you delete a partial progress update prior to the last one, all subsequent updates will change with the difference, as if you were removing the amount placed.

For example:

We have the updates:

(01/03) +5 (accumulated goes from 0 to 5)

(05/03) -2 (accumulated goes from 5 to 3)

(07/03) +4 (accumulated goes from 3 to 7)

If on March 8, we delete the first update, we will have:

(3/5) -2 (accumulated goes from 0 to -2)

(07/03) +4 (accumulated goes from -2 to 2)

How does Milestones migration work in this tracking?

When a key result has configured partials, the accumulated tracking graph will no longer show the configured Milestones and will show, by the gray line, the sum of the accumulated partials. For example, if we have the partials:

  • Oct: 950

  • Nov: 1,300

  • Dec: 900

In the accumulated graph, we will have a gray curve with the points:

  • (Oct 31, 950);

  • (Nov 30, 20, 2,250) and;

  • (Dec 31, 3,150).

✏️ Note: Milestones will continue to exist in the database, but are no longer displayed, but can be consulted when exporting key result reports.


1. Can I enable the partial goal cycle in an ongoing cycle?

Yes, it is possible. Just review the topic "How to enable partial tracking of key results?" in this article.

2. Can I disable the partial goal cycle in an ongoing cycle?

Yes, but all key results that already have partial goals set will continue with the partial goals.

3. What happens to partial goals when I change the cycle date?

In this case, it will vary according to the type of the cycle (Monthly or Custom) and according to the change of the cycle (extend the cycle or decrease the cycle), so we provide the following table to make it visual:

Extend cycle

Decrease cycle


New periods are created if they increase more than the initial months.

Partials are cleared and progress is migrated to the next period.


The start and end periods increase.

Start and end periods decrease or are excluded, with progress being migrated to the next period.

4. Is it possible to recover changes that delete partials?

It is not possible, so we always advise you to take great care and attention when deleting any partials.

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