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How to schedule a 1:1 meeting

In this article we'll guide you on how to schedule a 1:1 meeting at Qulture.Rocks.

Updated over a week ago

At the 1:1 product it is possible to schedule a meeting with any person in the company, such as your leader, a direct reports or a colleague (people in the company with no direct hierarchical relationship).

Each form will be placed in its respective tab of the tool, as illustrated below:

Scheduling a meeting:

  1. Click on the "New 1:1" icon;

  2. Fill in the form's fields;

  3. It is possible to select themes for your 1:1, which will help to identify the meetings, and also some suggested subjects related this theme will be automatically filled in the form.

Attention: The registration of subjects in the themes is performed by the platform administrators.

4. As soon as you click on "Schedule", your guest will receive an email notifying about the scheduling, and also inviting them to access the meeting to prepare for the 1:1, filling in the fields on their part.

Important: All notes are visible to both parties involved in the 1:1 created.

5. Once the meeting is over, remember to click on "Mark as done", so that in the case of a meeting between the leader and the direct report, the direct report can anonymously rate this 1:1.

6. Each form created is a different meeting, this way you can access a history in chronological order of the 1:1s held.

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