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How to set the 1:1s frequency

You choose the frequency and Qulture.Rocks creates 1:1s for everyone!

Updated over a week ago

The main purpose of the frequency is to help maintain the 1:1s regularity. There are several benefits of having 1:1s regular with your team, which are:

  • The people involved feel more comfortable to talk (create a bond);

  • They can correct routes more quickly;

  • They can talk about (almost) all the important issues (when a 1:1 takes too long to happen, the chance of having too much stuff piling up or something going by is much greater);

How do you set the default 1:1 frequency for the whole company?

Before teaching an employee can choose a default frequency, we need to set this function for the whole company.

Just follow the step by step:

  1. Go to the "Organization Profile";

  2. Go to the "Settings" section;

  3. Go to "1:1s":

  4. Choose which frequency you would like to make default for the team:

As a employee, how to choose a standard frequency for a 1:1?

To choose a 1:1 frequency, just follow the steps:

  1. Click on the 1:1 icon (may vary according to the company).

2. Click on the name of the person you want to create at 1:1 (Tab "Leader", "Direct report" or "Colleagues").
3. Click on "New 1:1".4. Choose the frequency.

5. Press "Enter" to save or click on the "check" icon.
6. Every time you make a 1:1 and then "Mark as done", a new 1:1 will be created according to the chosen frequency :)

It's easy!

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