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What are Employee Fields?
Updated over a week ago

👉 Employee Fields allow you to add data and information about employees in the Qulture.Rocks platform to be displayed in a profile. Additionally, they can be used to group or filter data within the products offered by the Qulture.Rocks platform.

There are two types of fields: standard fields and custom fields.

🟣 Standard fields are those that come with the platform and cannot have their name or type edited. They exist to ensure data consistency for the proper functioning of products such as Performance Review and Pulse Surveys. Here are the standard fields:

  • ID;

  • Area;

  • Department;

  • Leader;

  • Position;

  • Level;

  • Location;

  • Admission Date;

  • Salary Range;

  • Termination Date;

  • Termination Type;

  • Termination Reason;

  • Name;

  • Nickname;

  • Email;

  • Date of Birth;

  • Education;

  • Country;

  • Gender.

🟣 However, it is also possible to create custom fields according to the HR's needs. These are the custom fields. Examples include Languages, T-shirt Size, and Phone Number.

But how can you create them? Let's learn! 🚀

How to create a custom Employee Field?

  1. Go to the Organization Profile.

  2. In the left sidebar menu, click on "Settings" and then on "Employee Fields and Profile."

  3. In the "Employee Fields" tab, click on "New Employee Field."

  4. Now, fill in the field name and its type:

    1. Short Text: Recommended for unformatted text of maximum one line.

    2. Long Text: Allows line breaks, bold formatting, and bullet lists.

    3. Date: Used for entering dates.

    4. Options: Recommended when there are predefined possibilities for that field (e.g., Yes, No).

    5. URL: Used for entering website or link addresses.

  5. Then, choose the permissions for who can view and who can edit this field.

  6. If desired, you can activate the Workflow for Approving the Editing of Employee Fields, which allows the collaborator to fill in or update their own data but ensures that the HR and/or direct leadership will review and validate the edits.

  7. Once the configurations are completed, click on "Save."

Done! The new custom collaborator field has been created and will now appear in the list of Collaborator Fields for your organization. From now on, it can be selected to appear in a profile.

Who can create and configure Collaborator Fields?

Only users with the roles General Admin and Company Admin.

🛑Important: This means that "General Admin" and "Company Admin" have access to all custom field values for all collaborators.

Once a custom field is created, this information can be seen in the collaborator export report and can also be updated in bulk through import, as explained in the article "Updating users' information profile".

Where can Collaborator Fields be viewed?

As mentioned earlier, Collaborator Fields are created to be displayed in a collaborator's profile. In Qulture.Rocks, there are 2 types:

  1. Basic Profile, which aims to identify the collaborator.

  2. Evolution Profile, which aims to present the collaborator's performance trajectory over time.

To display a field in a profile, it needs to be added to the profile settings.

⚠️ It's important to note that the visibility permission set when creating/editing a field will be respected in all profiles in the platform.

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